AN ORDINANCE making a net supplemental appropriation of $23,688,000 to various general fund agencies, a net supplemental disappropriation of $169,088,000 from various non-general fund agencies and a net supplemental appropriation of $41,662,000 to various capital fund budgets; and amending the 2017-2018 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 18409, Sections 11, 19, 19, 20, 21, 21, 24, 25, 26, 31, 31, 33, 34, 35, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55, 61, 62, 62, 68, 69, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 84, 84, 88, 88, 89, 89, 95, 95, 98, 100, 100, 102, 103, 105, 105, 106, 107, 107, 115, 120, 122, 123, 124 and 132, as amended, and Attachment A, as amended.
SECTION 1. From the general fund there is hereby appropriated a net total of $23,688,000 to various general fund agencies.
From non-general funds there are hereby disappropriated a net total of $169,088,000 from various non-general fund agencies.
There is hereby appropriated a net total of $41,662,000 to various capital fund budgets, amending the 2017-2018 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 18409.
SECTION 2. Ordinance 18409, Section 11, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
OMBUDSMAN/TAX ADVISOR - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Ombudsman/tax advisor $155,000
Of this appropriation, $155,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely for investigating and responding to citizen complaints regarding King County Metro transit filed with the ombudsman and making recommendations for improved transit operations based on the results of the complaint investigations.
SECTION 3. Ordinance 18409, Section 19, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
OFFICE OF PERFORMANCE, STRATEGY AND BUDGET - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:
Office of performance, strategy and budget ($1,300,000)
SECTION 4. The council directs that section 3 of this ordinance takes effect before section 5 of this ordinance.
SECTION 5. Ordinance 18409, Section 19, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
OFFICE OF PERFORMANCE, STRATEGY AND BUDGET - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Office of performance, strategy and budget $1,300,000
Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a report on options for providing electronic home detention and work education release programs and a motion that should approve the report, and a motion is passed by the council. The motion shall reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion. The office of performance, strategy and budget shall convene a work group of representatives from the department of adult and juvenile detention, superior court, district court, department of public defense, prosecuting attorney's office, council staff and other appropriate parties, to elicit information and recommendations to include in the report.
The report shall include, but not be limited to:
A. A review of electronic home detention and work education release programs that have been implemented by other jurisdictions;
B. A review and description of any legislative or statutory restrictions specific to electronic home detention and work education release programs;
C. A range of options for implementing a modern electronic home detention and work education release programs for women and men, addressing program characteristics including program size, location and programming. A therapeutic model for implementing those programs, based on the best practices in the industry, shall be included as one of the options;
D. Implementation timelines for each option, including a timeline that implements a new electronic home detention model before January 1, 2018;
E. Analysis of the operating and capital costs, and scalability of the identified options;
F. Analysis of potential funding strategies for the identified options;
G. Analysis of the potential effect implementation of the identified options would have on the average daily population in secure detention for the department of adult and juvenile detention and any potential recidivism reduction;
H. Analysis of potential options for, and benefits from, contracting with other jurisdictions; and
I. Analysis of how the proposed options for electronic home detention and work education release programs can be integrated with, or otherwise benefit from, existing or planned programs originating from the county's recidivism reduction and reentry project, Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Service Improvement Plan programs, veterans and human services levy programs, therapeutic courts or other department of community and human services programs, supporting participants and clients who are also be engaged in the criminal justice system.
The executive must file the report and motion required by this proviso by April 28, 2017, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the policy staff director and the lead staff for the law and justice committee, or its successor. If the plan and motion are not transmitted by that date, appropriation authority for the $100,000 restricted by this proviso will lapse.
Of this appropriation, $200,000 shall not be expended or encumbered, and no funds shall be expended or encumbered on Community Service Area subarea planning except for responding to this proviso, until the executive transmits a plan to restructure the Community Service Area subarea planning program, a motion that should approve the plan, and an ordinance that implements changes recommended by the plan to the King County Comprehensive Plan and the King County Code and references the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion and a motion approving the plan is passed by the council.
The plan shall include, but not be limited to:
A. Methods to ensure that the subarea plans that are transmitted to the council will be consistent with:
1. Current state law, the Countywide Planning Policies and the King County Comprehensive Plan; and
2. Adopted county budget direction and appropriations, or if it will not be consistent, methods to both provide clarity where the plan would require additional appropriation to accomplish and to prioritize actions within the individual Community Service Area subarea plans, across all the Community Service Area subarea plans, and with other county budget priorities;
B. An evaluation of existing and recommendation for future coordination and collaboration between the department of permitting and environmental review and the office of performance, strategy and budget occurs, as required by K.C.C. 2.16.025 and 2.16.055 and Motion 14341. If changes to the King County Code are recommended to improve this coordination and collaboration, an ordinance implementing those changes shall be transmitted by the executive;
C. Methods to ensure that other departments are consulted in the Community Service Area subarea planning process and concur with the recommended policies and implementing actions proposed in the executive-recommended subarea plans; and
D. An evaluation of the current proposed Community Service Area subarea planning schedule in Chapter 11 of the 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan, including whether one year is sufficient time to complete all necessary aspects the Community Service Area subarea plans, such as: communing engagement and outreach; coordination, collaboration and consultation between King County departments; and refining recommendations to ensure compliance with the law. The evaluation shall also include consideration of modifying the Community Service Area subarea planning schedule to eliminate a Community Service Area subarea plan being transmitted as part of, or with, a major update to the King County Comprehensive Plan. If changes to the schedule or scope of the Community Service Area subarea planning program is recommended, an ordinance that implements those changes shall be transmitted by the executive.
The executive should file the plan, motion and ordinance required by this proviso by March 1, 2018, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the policy staff director and the lead staff for the transportation, economy and environment committee, or its successor.
SECTION 6. Ordinance 18409, Section 20, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
OFFICE OF EQUITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Office of equity and social justice $125,000
SECTION 7. Ordinance 18409, Section 21, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
SHERIFF - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:
Sheriff ($348,017,000)
SECTION 8. The council directs that section 7 of this ordinance takes effect before section 9 of this ordinance.
SECTION 9. Ordinance 18409, Section 21, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
SHERIFF - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Sheriff $354,973,000
The maximum number of additional FTEs for sheriff shall be: 22.00
Of this appropriation, $500,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the air support unit within the sheriff's office and shall not be expended or encumbered until the office of performance, strategy and budget verifies that $500,000 has been collected from those other agencies in support of which the air support unit has flown missions. For the purposes of this expenditure restriction, "agency" means federal, state, local and tribal governmental entities.
Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to increase traffic safety enforcement efforts.
Of this appropriation, $348,017,000 shall not be expended or encumbered to support: (a) any contract or agreement that allows the sheriff to authorize release of records management system data to any entity except for any federal, state or municipal criminal justice and detention systems, unless otherwise prohibited by law; (b) any services or activities that could be considered predictive policing; and (c) the use of a records management system to create a threat scoring process, such as Beware software, and the use of stored social media data to monitor individuals or groups.
Of this appropriation, $25,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely for: (a) the development by Seattle University, in consultation with the sheriff and office of law enforcement oversight, of the specific outcomes, goals and metrics ("the methodology") to be used to evaluate the sheriff's deputy trainings on implicit bias, less-lethal and violence de-escalation; and (b) the implementation by the sheriff of the methodology developed by Seattle University to evaluate the training. Development of the methodology by Seattle University should be completed by February 1, 2018.
Of this appropriation, $182,000 shall be expended solely to fund a one-year pilot for 2018 to reopen the King County Courthouse Fourth Avenue entrance at least during the periods of Mondays through Thursday between 7:45 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. and between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. and to track the usage and variations of wait times at the fourth avenue entrance during those hours.
Of this appropriation, $394,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits for the proposed cloud-based records management system: an assurances letter; an updated project plan that includes a projection for the total of all capital and operating costs associated with the selected cloud-based records management system solution project; and a motion that should approve these documents, and a motion is passed by the council. The assurances letter required by this proviso shall be from the county's chief information officer and the director of the office of performance strategy and budget and shall indicate that the updated project plan has been approved by the chief information officer and office of performance, strategy and budget director. The motion shall reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.
The updated project plan shall include, but not be limited to:
A. Defining and designing a solution to a data warehouse and property management system, including cost estimates for those components of the projects;
B. Addressing when and how the IRIS and TE databases will be decommissioned and whether there are any associated dependencies. This information should include a risk analysis and the costs of maintaining and operating these databases once as the cloud-based system is operational and being used;
C. Addressing the cost, time and resources to develop the interfaces between the cloud-based system and any other required systems, including, but not limited to, the IRIS and TE databases;
D. Identifying costs and labor associated with the entry of data into the Active Directory if necessary;
E. Identifying out-year costs based on terms of the selected vendor's contract; and
F. An integrated, resource load project schedule plan that contains all the components of the project, with milestone start and finish dates so that milestones can be tracked at all times.
The executive should file the documents and motion required by this proviso by July 1, 2017, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $1,183,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits for the proposed cloud-based records management system project: an assurances letter, a benefit achievement plan, a cost-benefit analysis, a business case and a project plan, which will include a pilot of the project. The assurances letter required by this proviso shall be from the county's chief information officer and the director of the office of performance, strategy and budget to all councilmembers and shall indicate that all of the project documents have been completed and approved by the chief information officer and office of performance, strategy and budget director. The project plan shall include, but not be limited to:
A. A staffing plan that includes a business analyst and project manager that have been approved by the county's project review board, established under K.C.C. 2.16.07585;
B. Components detailing how the project will meet federal criminal justice information system security requirements and whether the system will be running on the AWS GovCloud;
C. A gap analysis that compares the functionality of IRIS system with the desired features that the county will require be included in a cloud-based system;
D. Success criteria for the pilot and a comprehensive evaluation plan for the pilot;
E. A training budget and plan for training for all users on the new cloud-based system, and
F. A quality assurance component that identifies a steering committee, a quality assurance consultant that has been approved by the project review board and the resources necessary to retain this consultant.
The executive shall transmit the documents required by this proviso with a cover letter that shall reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number and in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the policy staff director and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee, or its successor.))
Of this appropriation, $250,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the sheriff's office develops, in conjunction with the office of performance, strategy and budget, a report on the staff modeling and deployment practices of the sheriff's office, and transmits the report and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report and reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion, and a motion is passed by the council. The report shall include, but not be limited to an analysis that addresses:
A. The method by which the department tracks and projects long-term absences for patrol deputies, including long-term leave, military leave and disability leave. As part of this report element, describe how the leave affects deployment in the contract cities and unincorporated areas, and whether there is a disparity in backfill practices between the contract cities and unincorporated areas when an assigned officer must take long term leave, military leave or disability leave;
B. The method by which the department calculates current staffing and deployment plans that incorporate underlying workload factors, operational needs and related performance goals of the contract cities and unincorporated areas; and
C. The effect that discipline or citizen complaints has on the department's deployment practices relative to the officers assigned to the contract cities and unincorporated areas.
The sheriff's office should transmit the report and motion required by this proviso by July 1, 2017, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law and justice committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $800,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the sheriff's office transmits a report on implementation of an enhanced, culturally appropriate antibias, violence de-escalation, and crisis intervention training program and a motion that should ((acknowledge)) accept receipt of the report ((and reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion)), and a motion related to the report is passed by the council. The council's intent is to ensure that the sheriff's office implements an antibias, violence de-escalation and crisis intervention training program and provides robust antibias, violence de-escalation and crisis intervention training to all deputies by December 31, 2018. ((The report shall provide information on the antibias, violence de-escalation, and crisis intervention training program, including, but not limited to, information on how many deputies have been trained to date and additional funds needed to provide robust training to all deputies by December 31, 2018.))
The sheriff's office shall transmit the report and motion required by this proviso by ((July)) August 1, 2017, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law and justice committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $1,183,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the sheriff's office transmits a report on the implementation status of the Mark 43 Cobalt records management system. The report shall reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the report.
The report shall include, but not be limited to:
A. An assurance letter from the county's chief information officer that he or she has approved the project for go-live and that the county's project review board has concurred with his or her recommendation and that the quality assurance consultant, Integrated Solutions Group, has recommended the project for go-live; and
B. An assurance letter from the sheriff indicating that he or she recommends the project for go-live, has approved an implementation plan for project roll-out that addresses training and provides the necessary resources to address any operational impacts of system go-live and includes contingency planning to ensure no data is lost in the event the pilot is not successful.
The sheriff's office must file the report required by this proviso in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $1,000,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the sheriff's office transmits a report on the capabilities of the Mark 43, Cobalt system purchased by the sheriff ("the Mark 43 system") and a motion that should approve the report and the motion is passed by the council. The motion shall reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion. The report shall include, but not be limited to:
A. The purpose of the Mark 43 system, including an explanation whether its purpose is to replace the sheriff's office's existing records management system with a system of similar capabilities, or if the purpose is to replace the existing records management system as well as expand the sheriff's capabilities to search data bases maintained by other entities and if the latter, an explanation of the expanded capabilities;
B. A list of databases that will be searchable with the Mark 43 system, including those that are searchable with a single key word and those that may be used to monitor and track persons and their activities, regardless of suspicion of criminality;
C. A description of the Mark 43 system's capability, through analytics or other means, to track gangs, gang members or other groups and an explanation of how the sheriff will ensure that the system is not used for this purpose; and
D. Identification of other law enforcement agencies that will share information entered into the Mark 43 system and whether there will be written agreements to govern that information.
The sheriff's office must file the report and motion required by this proviso by February 1, 2018, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $500,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the sheriff's office transmits an implementation and evaluation report on the implicit bias, less-lethal and violence de-escalation training to be completed during the 2017-2018 biennium and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report and reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion, and a motion acknowledging receipt of the report is passed by the council.
The report shall include, but not be limited to:
A. A description of the implicit bias, less-lethal and violence de-escalation trainings and the number of deputies that have received the trainings;
B. The results of the sheriff's implementation of the methodology, developed by Seattle University as more fully described in Expenditure Restriction ER4 of this appropriation, to evaluate the trainings; and
C. The identification of any changes that the sheriff proposes for future trainings to better achieve the goals, outcomes and metrics identified in the Seattle University methodology.
The sheriff should file the report and motion required by this proviso by August 1, 2018, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law and justice committee, or its successor.
SECTION 10. Ordinance 18409, Section 24, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Office of emergency management $345,000
The maximum number of additional FTEs for office of emergency management
shall be: 5.00
SECTION 11. Ordinance 18409, Section 25, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
EXECUTIVE SERVICES - ADMINISTRATION - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Executive services - administration $145,000
SECTION 12. Ordinance 18409, Section 26, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Human resources management $140,000
SECTION 13. Ordinance 18409, Section 31, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:
Prosecuting attorney ($500,000)
SECTION 14. The council directs that section 13 of this ordinance takes effect before section 15 of this ordinance.
SECTION 15. Ordinance 18409, Section 31, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Prosecuting attorney $1,385,000
The maximum number of additional FTEs for prosecuting attorney shall be: 7.00
Of this appropriation, $200,000 shall be expended only for one FTE deputy prosecuting attorney to develop and maintain diversion and restorative justice programs.
Of this appropriation, $500,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the prosecuting attorney transmits a report on the weapons that were surrendered or confiscated pursuant to court orders to surrender weapons and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report and the motion is passed by the council. The motion shall reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.
The report shall be developed in consultation with the sheriff's office and other King County law enforcement agencies and shall include, but not be limited to, a summary of data from the courts and law enforcement agencies on the number of court orders to surrender weapons issued, the number of court orders to surrender weapons served, the number of weapons voluntarily surrendered in accordance with court orders to surrender weapons and the number of weapons confiscated by King County law enforcement agencies in accordance with court orders to surrender weapons. The report shall also include an assessment of the effectiveness of court orders to surrender weapons and specifics of how the rate of surrenders could be increased by the use of court orders to surrender weapons or other criminal justice functions.
The prosecuting attorney must file the report and motion required by this proviso by August 1, 2018, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee, or its successor.
SECTION 16. Ordinance 18409, Section 33, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
SUPERIOR COURT - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Superior court $543,000
SECTION 17. Ordinance 18409, Section 34, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
DISTRICT COURT - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
District court $181,000
Of this appropriation, $25,000 shall be expended solely to support justice system accessibility through the translation of district court forms and informational materials that are available in hardcopy and accessible online into multiple languages.
SECTION 18. Ordinance 18409, Section 35, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
ELECTIONS - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Elections $672,000
SECTION 19. Ordinance 18409, Section 45, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
General fund transfer to department of community and human services $129,000
SECTION 20. Ordinance 18409, Section 47, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
General fund transfer to department of public health $175,000
Of this appropriation, no funds shall be expended or encumbered to establish any community health engagement locations, as described in the Heroin and Opiate Addiction Task Force Final Report and Recommendations, dated September 15, 2016, presented by the heroin and opiate addiction task force to the King County executive and mayors of the cities of Auburn, Renton and Seattle, a copy of which has been provided to all councilmembers.
Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely for Public Health - Seattle & King County to launch a firearm injury prevention outreach program. The outreach program shall employ relevant findings from the Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center's publications, including research on credible messages and messengers for the effective dissemination of information on safely securing firearms in homes. The program shall employ some or all of the following tools: increasing the use of Public Health- Seattle & King County's lokitup.org, purchasing and placing billboard ads, purchasing and placing radio spots, purchasing and placing television ads and purchasing and placing Internet-based ads.
SECTION 21. Ordinance 18409, Section 48, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND PARKS - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
General fund transfer to department of natural resources and parks $65,000
SECTION 22. Ordinance 18409, Section 49, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO KING COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
General fund transfer to King County information technology $1,058,000
SECTION 23. Ordinance 18409, Section 50, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
General fund transfer to department of executive services capital improvement program $951,000
SECTION 24. Ordinance 18409, Section 52, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO HOMELESSNESS - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
General fund transfer to homelessness $1,000,000
SECTION 25. Ordinance 18409, Section 53, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
JAIL HEALTH SERVICES - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Jail health services $4,265,000
The maximum number of additional FTEs for jail health services shall be: 8.70
SECTION 26. Ordinance 18409, Section 54, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
MEDICAL EXAMINER - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Medical examiner $237,000
SECTION 27. Ordinance 18409, Section 55, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
ADULT AND JUVENILE DETENTION - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:
Adult and juvenile detention ($2,600,000)
SECTION 28. The council directs that section 27 of this ordinance takes effect before section 29 of this ordinance.
SECTION 29. Ordinance 18409, Section 55, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:
ADULT AND JUVENILE DETENTION - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Adult and juvenile detention $8,261,000
The maximum number of additional FTEs for adult and juvenile detention
shall be: 17.00
Of this appropriation, $280,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely for the planning for electronic home detention and work education release programs as described in section 19, Proviso P1, of this ordinance.
Of this appropriation, $50,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a report on its change management plan for achieving business process improvements and operational efficiencies from the implementation of the jail management system information technology project, which is OIRM capital project 1129763 and a motion that accepts the report and a motion accepting the report is passed by the council. The department of adult and juvenile detention is in the process of selecting a vendor for the project. A vendor is expected to be selected following a competitive request for proposal procurement process. The report shall include, but not be limited to:
A. A listing of the current systems that will be replaced based on the selected vendor's approach;
B. A review and description of the business processes by functional area that will be incorporated into the new systems;
C. A review of vendor options or recommendations for modifying, streamlining or otherwise improving current business processes with the vendor's proposed applications;
D. An updated Benefit Achievement Plan that describes the operational improvements for the major lines of business and functional areas within the department expected from this project based on the approach of the vendor selected;
E. A description of the department's change management plan for achieving the operational improvements in subsection D. of this proviso. The plan should identify a change management leadership team, a labor engagement strategy, a plan for ensuring that operational changes are adopted within the department and a plan for measuring how progress towards achieving the operational improvements will be monitored.
The executive should file the report and a motion required by this proviso by April 30, 2018, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the policy staff director and the lead staff for the law and justice committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits to the council a report and a motion that accepts the report and a motion accepting the report is passed by the council. The report shall detail the actions that the department of adult and juvenile detention is taking to implement recommendations to reduce mandatory overtime, including changes to the King County Corrections Guild Collective Bargaining Agreement. However, nothing in this proviso limits the council's ability to accept or reject the collective bargaining agreement or memorandum of understanding between the county and the King County Corrections Guild when it is transmitted by the executive. If the report and motion are filed before a collective bargaining agreement or memorandum of understanding between the county and the King County Corrections Guild has been transmitted to the council, the transmitted motion, which accepts the report, should acknowledge that neither the report nor the department's actions described in the report limits the council's ability to accept or reject the collective bargaining agreement or memorandum of understanding between the county and the King County Corrections Guild when it is transmitted by the executive. The motion shall reference the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section, proviso number and subject matter in both the title and body of the motion. The report shall include, but is not limited to:
A. A review of the final recommendations and action steps identified by the Operations Forecast Model problem-solving team;
B. A summary of the steps taken to reduce the hiring process timeline for corrections officers and the anticipated impact of the proposed changes;
C. A summary showing the implementation and communications planning for changes to the department's hospital guarding policies;
D. A review of the adult average daily population for the last five years and anticipated changes to the population in the next five years; and
E. A summary of changes to the proposed collective bargaining agreement aimed at reducing mandatory overtime. This report should also include a summary showing the number of posts that will be necessary to implement the recommendations, action steps plans, and changes in policy identified in subsections A. through D. of this proviso.
The executive should file the report and a motion required by this proviso by December 1, 2017, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the policy staff director and the lead staff for the law and justice committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a report on the actions that the department of adult and juvenile detention is taking to implement more extensive community outreach for recruiting department staff and a motion that accepts the report and a motion accepting the report is passed by the council. The motion shall reference the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section, proviso number and subject matter in both the title and body of the motion.
The report shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the department's plans to expand its recruitment outreach programs into the community, through job fairs, community outreach and other community-tailored programs to ensure that recruitment opportunities are available to all the county's culturally diverse, economically disenfranchised and veterans' communities.
The executive should file the report and a motion required by this proviso by October 1, 2017, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the policy staff director and the lead staff for the law and justice committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $500,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a report on a pretrial services pilot and a motion that should approve the report and the motion is passed by the council. The motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.
The report shall include an implementation plan for a pilot pretrial services program to serve felony defendants in the King County superior court at the Norm Maleng Regional Justice Center. The implementation plan shall be developed in consultation with the chief judge at the Maleng Regional Justice Center, superior court presiding judge, chief criminal judge, presiding judge of the district court, prosecuting attorney's office, the department of public defense, the department of community and human services and the facilities management division. The implementation plan for the pilot shall include:
A. Eligibility for program requirements to include the type of charges;
B. The estimated of the number of defendants to be served by the program;
C. The types of pretrial services to be offered, such as drug and alcohol counseling, mental health counseling, Moral Reconation Therapy, medication management, public health, job placement, housing assistance and similar services;
D. The manner in which defendants will be assessed for services;
E. Proposed staffing levels and suggested service providers;
F. Cost estimates for at least three program alternatives including cost per participant, funding sources, and potential cost sharing models with other jurisdictions;
G. Performance metrics to include but not limited to: identity of population not otherwise served, degree of program participation and rate of failure to appear; and rate of reoffense while on pretrial supervision as compared to defendants released either on personal recognizance or to the community center for alternative programs, or both, as well as projected cost savings from reduced detention;
H. An estimate of any capital costs necessary to implement the program;
I. A proposal to address the participation of defendants with concurrent holds from district courts; and
J. Proposed site locations in south King County.
The executive must file the report and motion required by this proviso by July 31, 2018, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the policy staff director and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $400,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmit an assessment report on the progress toward providing a Taser to every gun-qualified officer and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report and reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion, and a motion acknowledging receipt of the report is passed by the council.
The report shall include, but not be limited to an overview of the funding and procurement process for law enforcement officer equipment and an assessment of progress made toward achieving a goal of having enough Tasers to provide a Taser to every gun-qualified officer, including a description of any identified funding needs for achieving this goal.
The executive should file the report and a motion required by this proviso by July 1, 2018, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law and justice committee, or its successor.
Of this appropriation, $50,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a report for the community center for alternative programs for the period January 1, 2018 through July 31, 2018 and a motion that should accept the report and should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion and a motion accepting the report is passed by the council.
The report shall include the data, analysis and corrective action plans on the following measures adopted in the community center for alternative programs Retool Project charter and the outcome measures defined by community corrections division staff during the implementation of the Retool Project. The report should include the following data: