AN ORDINANCE relating to comprehensive planning and permitting; amending Ordinance 17485, Section 2, as amended, and Ordinance 11653, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C.20.12.017.
SECTION 1. Findings: For the purposes of effective land use planning and regulation, the King County council makes the following legislative findings:
A. King County has adopted the 2012 King County Comprehensive Plan to meet the requirements of the Washington state Growth Management Act;
B. The King County Code authorizes a review of the Comprehensive Plan and, with some limited exceptions, only allows substantive amendments to the Comprehensive Plan every four years. Annual amendments are generally allowed only to address technical updates and corrections to the Comprehensive Plan;
C. The Growth Management Act requires that the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations be subject to continuing review and evaluation by the county;
D. The Growth Management Act requires that King County adopt development regulations to be consistent with and implement the Comprehensive Plan; and
E. The changes to zoning contained in this ordinance are needed to maintain conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, as required by the Growth Management Act. As such, they bear a substantial relationship to, and are necessary for, the public health, safety and general welfare of King County and its residents.
SECTION 2. Ordinance 17485, Section 2, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
A. ((King County performed its fourth comprehensive four-cycle review of the Comprehensive Plan in 2012. As a result of the review, King County amended the 2008 Comprehensive Plan through passage of the King County Comprehensive Plan 2012.))
B.)) The amendments to the King County Comprehensive Plan ((2008)) 2012, as amended by Ordinance 17485, contained in Attachments A, B, C and D to this ((O))ordinance ((17485, as amended by ...
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