A RESOLUTION relating to the operations and finances of the King County Flood Control Zone District; adopting a revised 2019 budget, district oversight budget, capital budget, six-year capital improvement program for 2019-2024; and amending Resolution FCD2018-09.2.
WHEREAS, the King County Flood Control Zone District ("the District") adopted its 2019 work program, budget, operating budget, capital budget, and six-year capital improvement program in Resolution FCD2018-09.2, and
WHEREAS, an annual carry-forward budget resolution is necessary to provide budget authority for unspent appropriations from the prior year and to reinstate contract encumbrances, and
WHEREAS, the carry-forward amount for unspent appropriations from 2018 to 2019 is $107,417,905, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 86.15.140, the District held a public hearing on the proposed carry-forward amount and a supplemental budget on July 10, 2019, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 86.15.110, the board of supervisors ("the Board") has determined that the flood control improvements adopted by this resolution generally contribute to the objectives of the District’s comprehensive plan of development, and
WHEREAS, the Board desires to adopt amendments to the District’s 2019 budget, operating budget, capital budget, and six-year capital improvement program;
SECTION 1. The Board adopts a revised 2019 budget for the District, as set forth in Attachment B to this resolution, titled "2019 Reallocation Budget June 6, 2019," and amends Section 1 of FCD2018-09.2 accordingly.
SECTION 2. The Board adopts a revised 2019 operating budget for the District, as set forth in Attachment C to this resolution, titled "2019 Reallocation Operating Budget June 6, 2019," and amends Section 1 of FCD2018-09.2 accordingly.
SECTION 3. The Board adopts a revised 2019 capital budget for the District, consisting of the projects and expenditures Attachment D to this resolution, titled "2019 Reallocation Capital Budget May 24, 2019," and amends Section 1 of FCD2018-09.2 accordingly.
SECTION 4. The Board adopts a revised six-year capital improvement program for the District, as set forth in Attachment E to this resolution, titled "2019-2024 Reallocation Six-Year CIP May 24, 2019," and amends Section 1 of FCD2018-09.2 accordingly.
SECTION 5. The Board adopts a revised 2019-2024 capital budget project list, as set forth in Attachment H to this resolution, titled "2019-2024 Six-Year CIP Project Allocations + Carryover June6, 2019," and amends Section 1 of FCD2018-09.2 accordingly.
SECTION 6. A. The Board authorizes the extension, enlargement, acquisition or construction of improvements, as applicable, as set forth on Attachments B, C, D, E and H of this resolution.
B. The 2006 King County Flood Hazard Management Plan ("Flood Plan"), as amended, serves as the comprehensive plan of development for flood control and floodplain management, and has been prepared for the streams or watercourses upon which the improvements will be enlarged, extended, acquired or constructed. The improvements authorized herein generally contribute to the objectives of the Flood Plan.
C. For improvements that are to be constructed, preliminary engineering studies and plans have been made, consisting of one or more of the following: the 2006 Flood Plan, as amended, preliminary feasibility analyses, conceptual designs and design manuals, and such plans and studies are on file with the county engineer.
D. Estimated costs for acquisitions and improvements together with supporting data are set forth on Attachments B, C, D, E and H.
E. The improvements set forth in Attachments B, C, D, E and H are determined to benefit the county as a whole, as well as the zone.