Clerk 04/04/2016
AN ORDINANCE relating to the condemnation of certain properties required for the Georgetown wet weather treatment station project (formerly Brandon Street and South Michigan Street combined sewer overflow control project), located in King County council district eight, including authorizing the condemnation of the properties and establishing time limits for review of proposals to dispose of property acquired in accordance with this ordinance and later determined to be surplus.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. In November 2013, Ordinance 17696 provided funding for capital projects to support King County's wastewater treatment program.
B. One of the funded capital projects is the Georgetown wet weather treatment station, which consists of a combined sewer overflow wet weather treatment station, conveyance pipelines and a new outfall structure, together with all necessary and convenient appurtenances and facilities that will collectively, treat, convey and discharge treated effluent into the lower Duwamish waterway under capital improvement project number 1121402.
C. The Georgetown project was approved as part of King County's long-term combined sewer overflow control plan under Ordinance 17413 and incorporated in King County's combined sewer overflow Consent Decree approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Washington state Department of Ecology and entered into on July 3, 2013. The project will be constructed in the Georgetown neighborhood of south Seattle.
D. In order to construct and/or operate the Georgetown project, it is necessary for King County to condemn and damage certain lands, property rights and rights in property. The acquisition of such lands, property rights and rights in property is for a public purpose.
E. All of the properties to be condemned for the construction of the Georgetown project pursuant to this ordinance are zone...
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