Clerk 10/09/2012
A MOTION requesting the executive, in collaboration with the departments of public health and community and human services, and a community stakeholder panel informed by local and national expertise, to develop and submit for council review and approval a plan for an accountable and integrated system of health, human services and community-based prevention in King County.
WHEREAS, King County has an adopted strategic plan that includes the goal to provide opportunities for all communities and individuals to realize their full potential, and
WHEREAS, King County established and adopted the framework policies for human services 1999 and revised them in 2007, and continues to use the framework policies to guide the county's investments in human services and communicate King County's role in human services, and
WHEREAS, in 2007, King County established and adopted the public health operational master plan to guide broad public health policy and decision-making related to the delivery of public health services in King County, and
WHEREAS, King County submitted and the voters approved in 2006 and again in 2011 the veterans and human services levy providing dedicated revenue for health and human services, and
WHEREAS, in 2007, the metropolitan King County council authorized the mental illness and drug dependency sales tax, and
WHEREAS, the King County adopted strategic plan identifies the principle of "fair and just" to guide the county's work and services in order to achieve equitable opportunities for all people and communities, and
WHEREAS, despite the fact that King County has made progress in improving residents' health, significant and unacceptable disparities persist in relation to geography, race/ethnicity, and other social factors, and
WHEREAS, the United States outspends every other industrialized nation on healthcare yet lags behind its peers on health status, and
WHEREAS, in 2010, the United States Congress pas...
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