File #: 2019-0245    Version:
Type: Motion Status: Passed
File created: 6/12/2019 In control: Committee of the Whole
On agenda: Final action: 8/28/2019
Enactment date: 8/28/2019 Enactment #: 15492
Title: A MOTION relating to identifying the future allocations of Puget Sound Taxpayers Accountability Account proceeds to priority educational areas and requesting the executive to develop plans to allocate proceeds within the priority educational areas.
Sponsors: Joe McDermott, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Rod Dembowski
Indexes: Puget Sound, Taxes
Attachments: 1. Motion 15492, 2. 2019-0245_SR_PSTAA.docx, 3. 2019-0245_SR_PSTAA.docx, 4. 2019-0245_SR_PSTAA.S1.docx, 5. AMD1 2019-0245.CB-1.Amd.Admin.Percent.docx, 6. AMD2 2019-0245.CB-2.Facility.programs.docx, 7. AMD2.A 2019-0245.LG-1.EarlyLearning.docx, 8. AMD3 2019-0245.CB-3.homebased.CC.docx, 9. AMD3.A1, 10. AMD3.A2, 11. AMD4 2019-0245.CB-4.KC.promise.percent.docx, 12. AMD5 2019-0245.CB-6.K-12.percent.docx, 13. AMD5.A 2019-0245.LG-2.k.12.docx, 14. AMD6, 15. AMD7 2019-0245.CB-7.higher.ed.percent.2.docx, 16. AMD7.A 2019-0245.LG-4.Higher.docx, 17. AMD8 2019-0245.CB-8.CBO.percent.docx, 18. AMD9 2019-0245.KL-2.Amd.council.reps.docx, 19. AMD9.5 2019-0245.LG-3.advisory board.docx, 20. AMD10 2019-0245.KL-3.Amd.geo.equity.docx, 21. 2019-0245_AMD-S2.docx, 22. 2019-0245-ATT1-ProposedMotion.pdf, 23. 2019-0245_ATT2_S1.1 (002).docx, 24. 2019-0245-S2LineAmendments.pdf, 25. 2019-0245_Revised_SRv2-PSTAA.S2.docx, 26. 2019-0245-SRv1-originalPacket.pdf, 27. 2019-0245 BalducciHandout.pdf, 28. 2019-0245 PublicComment1.pdf, 29. 2019-0245-PublicComment2.pdf
A MOTION relating to identifying the future allocations of Puget Sound Taxpayers Accountability Account proceeds to priority educational areas and requesting the executive to develop plans to allocate proceeds within the priority educational areas.
WHEREAS, the Washington state Legislature amended chapter 81.112 RCW via Chapter 44, Laws of Washington 2015 3rd Special Session, to create the Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account, and
WHEREAS, the Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account is to be funded by a sales and use tax offset fee of three and twenty-five one-hundredths percent of the total payments made by a regional transit authority to construction contractors on construction projects that are:
1. For new projects identified in the system plan funded by any proposition approved by voters after January 1, 2015; and
2. Excluded from the definition of retail sales under RCW 82.04.050(10), and
WHEREAS, between 2018 and 2035, King County is projected to receive approximately three hundred fifteen million dollars from the account, and
WHEREAS, the King County council adopted Motion 15029, which identified three priority areas to invest Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account proceeds, which included:
1. Early learning;
2. K-12 education for vulnerable and underserved children and youth; and
3. College, career, and technical education, and
WHEREAS, Motion 15029 also included goals and principles to guide investment of Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account proceeds, and
WHEREAS, Motion 15029 also directed council staff to work with a consultant, executive staff and stakeholders to develop an implementation plan for Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account proceeds and to explore the educational needs for students in King County and the impacts of different strategies to meet those educational needs as well as a financial analysis of those strategies, and
WHEREAS, the educational needs assessment and impac...

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