Clerk 06/19/2013
AN ORDINANCE approving the sale of a parcel of surplus real property located in council district three.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. The King County road services division is the custodian of certain property located at 17002 148th Avenue N.E. Woodinville area commonly known as the Woodinville Gravel Pit.
B. The road services division has determined that the Woodinville Gravel Pit is surplus to its needs and the needs of the public.
C. Pursuant to K.C.C.4.56.070, the facilities management division has circulated a surplus notice to King County agencies and none expressed interest.
D. The facilities management division has also determined that the property is not suitable for affordable housing purposes and declared the property to be surplus.
E. The King County executive has negotiated a purchase and sale agreement for the sale of the property to David J. and Jody A. Hannant for $510,000.
F. The proposed sale is consistent with K.C.C.4.56.100 regarding sale of county property. K.C.C.4.56.080 provides that King County council approval is required for the sale of county-owned real property valued in excess of ten thousand dollars.
SECTION 2. The King County council, having determined that the sale of the subject property is in the best interest of the public, hereby authorizes the executive to execute a purchase and sale agreement in substantially similar form as provided in Attachment A to this ordinance and to execute any other documents necessary to convey and deliver the property to the buyer. All actions up to now taken by county officials, agent and employees consistent with the terms and purposes of the purchase and sale agreement are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved.
SECTION 3. If any provision of this ordinance is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision is null and void and
shall be deemed separable from the remaining provisions of this ordinance and in no way affect the validity of the other provisions of this ordinance or of the sale.