Clerk 06/29/2005
A MOTION expressing support for the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train.
WHEREAS, the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train ("SWDT") is a very productive and well-loved member of the community, and
WHEREAS, the SWDT has generated $140 million in local and state economic impact, and
WHEREAS, it has served 1.3 million guests, with 500,000 of them being from out of state, and
WHEREAS, the SWDT has given $750,000 locally in charitable donations, and
WHEREAS, the SWDT is a local landmark that is well loved by many in the community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
King County understands the economic importance of and the community's fondness for the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train and will take the economic importance of the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train into consideration when deciding further uses of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rail line.