Clerk 10/22/2020
A MOTION accepting the best starts for kids assessment report to inform council deliberations the possible renewal of best starts for kids levy, in accordance with Motion 15651.
WHEREAS, in November 2015, King County voters passed the first best starts for kids levy to generate funding for a wide range of programs to support promotion, prevention and early intervention for King County's children, youth and families, and
WHEREAS, the King County council is considering whether to submit to the qualified electors for their approval in 2021 a ballot measure to renew the best starts for kids levy, and
WHEREAS, Motion 15651 requested that the executive submit for council review an assessment report of the best starts for kids levy-funded goals, strategies and programs, and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the requested assessment report is to support council awareness of initiative implementation and outcomes to inform deliberations regarding the potential ballot measure for a renewed levy;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The Best Starts for Kids Assessment Report that has been submitted by the
executive, included as Attachment A to this motion, is hereby accepted in accordance with Motion 15651.