Clerk 08/16/2011
A MOTION relating to solar energy; requesting the executive to review the renewable energy system cost recovery program and provide a report to the council on options for the county to participate in community solar projects as part of the renewable energy system cost recovery program under RCW 82.16.110, 82.16.120, 82.16.130 and 82.16.140; and requesting the executive develop options to protect solar access by January 15, 2012.
WHEREAS, King County's Growth Management Comprehensive Plan recommends that the county seek to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from all facets of its operations and foster the development and increased use of clean, renewable and alternative fuels and energy technologies, and
WHEREAS, King County’s Growth Management Comprehensive Plan policies E-208, F-316 and F-317 specifically encourage the use of solar energy both at King County facilities and in the community, and
WHEREAS, producing renewable energy can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
WHEREAS, despite a rainy climate, solar energy in the Northwest has proven to be a viable energy option, and
WHEREAS, promoting solar energy can encourage new energy technologies and green jobs that support a sustainable economy and energy independence, and
WHEREAS, solar access is the availability or access to unobstructed, direct sunlight, and
WHEREAS, one of the barriers to solar installation is a lack of solar access protection from development on neighboring properties, and
WHEREAS, at the local level, communities use many different mechanisms to protect solar access, including solar access ordinances, development guidelines requiring proper street orientation, zoning ordinances that contain building height restrictions and solar permits, and
WHEREAS the 2008 Growth Management Comprehensive Plan Policy F-316 establishes that King County should study measures to protect solar access and implement best practices in this area,...
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