Clerk 03/17/2020
AN ORDINANCE relating to the condemnation of certain properties required for the North Mercer and Enatai Interceptors Upgrade project in the city of Mercer Island and city of Bellevue.
A. The North Mercer Island and Enatai Interceptors Upgrade project will replace aging sewer infrastructure that is reaching the end of its useful life and nearing operational capacity. The property rights that are the subject of this ordinance must be acquired for the construction of the North Mercer Island and Enatai Interceptors Upgrade project and associated facilities. The acquisition of property rights is for a public purpose.
B. The North Mercer Island and Enatai Interceptors Upgrade project is necessary to accommodate projected peak flows and meet the conveyance needs of planned growth in the city of Mercer Island and city of Bellevue and to increase capacity of the pipelines serving the North Mercer Island and southwest portion of Bellevue near Enatai Beach and the town of Beaux Arts Village, which are nearing operational capacity.
C. King County Conveyance System Policy CP-1, K.C.C 28.86.060, directs the county to design and construct wastewater conveyance facilities to meet the twenty-year peak flow standard to avoid sanitary sewer overflows. The North Mercer Island and Enatai Interceptors Upgrade project will meet the twenty-year peak flows standard through 2060 accommodating projected growth of the area based on King County's Conveyance System Improvement Plan and will be an important part of the King County regional wastewater treatment system.
D. This project is of critical importance. Delays in completion of the project would have significant public health and cost impacts to ratepayers of the King County regional wastewater treatment system due to the potential for problems with the current wastewater pipes and rising costs of construction in the region.
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