Clerk 02/26/2015
A MOTION requesting the executive to transmit to the council a work plan for implementing the recommendations and specific actions identified by the King County women's advisory board for improving wage equity and promoting family friendly workplace policies throughout King County.
WHEREAS, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, full-time working women's earnings were only about seventy-seven percent of their male counterparts' earnings in 2012, and
WHEREAS, Claudia Goldin, a Harvard University labor economist, found in a 2014 article published in the American Economic Review, titled A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter, that the majority of the pay gap between men and women actually comes from differences in pay between men and women in the same occupations, and
WHEREAS, according to the American Association of University Women, the pay gap between men and women is worse for women of color, and
WHEREAS, in 1978, King County established a women's advisory board to make recommendations to the executive and the council to ensure the needs, rights and well-being of women are taken into account by county government, and
WHEREAS, in 2014, the women's advisory board adopted the focus topics of wage equity and family-friendly workplace policies, and
WHEREAS, the women's advisory board transmitted a report to the executive and the council on January 23, 2015, titled Improving Wage Equity and Promoting Family Friendly Workplace Policies throughout King County: Recommendations for the King County Executive and Metropolitan King County Council Prepared by the King County Women's Advisory Board, and
WHEREAS, the report recommended that the executive and the council:
1. Create a public/private compact pledging to end the wage gap and encourage family friendly workplace policies;
2. Promote and encourage employees regardless of gender to take family leave by creating incentives for empl...
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