Clerk 09/20/2012
A MOTION accepting a report from the human resources division evaluating the feasibility of creating and implementing a veterans' internship program in King County, as required in Motion 13661.
WHEREAS, the King County council in Motion 13661, required the adoption by motion of a report where the human resources division evaluated the feasibility of creating and implementing a veterans' internship program in King County, and
WHEREAS, the executive has transmitted to the council with this motion the required report, and
WHEREAS, the report provides:
1. A review and evaluation of existing county policies and practices impacting veterans, and makes recommendations on the establishment of paid and unpaid veterans' internship programs;
2. An evaluation of how paid and unpaid veterans' internship programs would facilitate greater access and remove barriers to King County jobs for veterans;
3. A recommended implementation schedule;
4. An estimate of the costs of the program and identification of potential funding sources for paid programs;
5. An analysis of existing programs within other jurisdictions; and
6. Proposed legislation necessary to implement an internship program;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The report evaluating the feasibility of creating and implementing a veterans' internship program in King County as required by Motion 13661, which is Attachment A to this motion, is hereby accepted.