Clerk 01/09/2018
A MOTION approving the report on the benefits achieved from technology projects for the year 2016 and an update to the 2016 report.
WHEREAS, K.C.C. 2.16.025 requires that a report about benefits achieved from technology projects and motion be transmitted in the odd-numbered years by April 30, and
WHEREAS, the report includes a compilation of benefit achievement plans for all completed, ongoing, and newly-approved projects, and
WHEREAS, the report contains a summary section that describes any lessons learned about defining and reporting on benefits for technology projects and provides an analysis of the benefits achieved in 2016 for the overall project portfolio;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The 2016 Annual Technology Projects Benefits Report, which is Attachment A to this motion and complies with K.C.C. 2.16.025, and the Update to the 2016 Annual Technology Projects Benefits Report, which is Attachment B to this motion, are hereby approved.