A MOTION authorizing the chair of the council to enter into a contract for services to represent the county with the Washington state Legislature.
WHEREAS, the county is a subdivision of the state of Washington, and
WHEREAS, as a result, the county's services, operations and finances are to a significant extent controlled by the laws of the state, and
WHEREAS, legislation adopted by the Washington state Legislature often impacts King County's services, operations and finances, and
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the residents of King County for the county to have representation during the legislative session on a broad range of complex issues, and
WHEREAS, based on a competitive solicitation process, David Foster d/b/a "Foster Government Relations" was selected as the highest ranked proposer and has been chosen to represent King County with state government officials;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The chair of the metropolitan King County council is authorized to enter into a contract, substantially in the form of Attachment A to this motion, with David Foster d/b/a "Foster Government Relations" for the services of monitoring actions by the state legislature and the state executive branch on issues of concern to King County and advocating on the county's behalf on all issues including, but not limited to:
A. General county government;
B. County taxes and revenue;
C. Transportation and infrastructure;
D. Growth management and land use;
E. Water, sewer, solid waste and hazardous waste;
F. Environmental protections and regulation;
G. Criminal justice and corrections;
H. Human services; and
I. Public health and health reform implementation.