Clerk 04/17/2013
AN ORDINANCE revising the corporate boundary of the city of Algona to include an unincorporated portion of West Valley Highway right-of-way as provided for in RCW 35A.21.210.
1. The city has received Transportation Improvement Board funding for certain improvements to West Valley Highway requiring a turn lane be added on West Valley Highway at 1st Avenue South.
2. King County has jurisdiction over the southbound lane of West Valley Highway and the city has jurisdiction over the northbound lane of West Valley Highway south of the West Valley Highway intersection at 1st Avenue South.
3. It is in the city and the county's best interest to have the King County right-of-way portion of West Valley Highway under the city's jurisdiction so that the city may accomplish the design, permitting, and construction of the city's project in the roadway and other necessary road repairs under city code and standards.
4. The city approved ordinance number 1071-13 to revise its corporate boundary at West Valley Highway to include the portion of approximately 212 feet of unincorporated public right-of way-within the corporate limits of the city.
5. RCW 35A.21.210 authorizes the governing bodies of a county and any code city located therein may by agreement revise any part of the corporate boundary of the city which coincides with the centerline, edge, or any portion of a public street, road or highway right-of-way by substituting therefore a right-of-way line of the same public street, road or highway so as fully to include or fully to exclude that segment of the public street, road or highway from the corporate limits of the city.
6. Revision of the corporate boundary of a city is effective upon approval by the city council and the county legislative authority as provided for in RCW 35A.21.210.
SECTION 1. The revision of the corporate boundary of the city of Algona to include the unincorporated portion of West Valley Highway south of 1st Avenue South
public right-of-way, legally described as set forth in Attachment A to this ordinance, is hereby approved.