1 Call to Order
2 Roll Call
3 Approval of Minutes
4 2014-B0123 Review of Road Services Division Pavement Preservation by the King County Auditor's Office
9 2014-0272 AN ORDINANCE relating to transit service reductions.
5 2014-0142 A MOTION approving an Update to the Strategic Plan for Road Services.
6 2013-0455 AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to enter into an intergovernmental land transfer agreement between King County and the Washington state Department of Natural Resources for the 28.22-acre Little Si Natural Area located at the
7 2014-0271 AN ORDINANCE establishing a demonstration project, as authorized under K.C.C. chapter 21A.55, for alluvial fan management pilot projects, including areas within the shoreline jurisdiction.
8 2014-0229 AN ORDINANCE establishing a demonstration project, as authorized under K.C.C. chapter 21A.55, for alluvial fan management pilot projects located outside areas of shoreline jurisdiction.
10 2014-0299 AN ORDINANCE addressing income inequality through a requirement that a living wage be paid to county employees and to the employees of certain county contractors.
11 Grant Alerts:
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