Metropolitan King County Council
Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2024
Committee of the Whole
A MOTION expressing the King County council's opposition to the approval of Washington state Initiative
2066, which, if approved by voters, would repeal or prohibit certain laws and regulations that discourage
natural gas use, or promote electrification, or both, and require certain utilities and local governments to
provide natural gas to eligible customers.
The enacted number is 16675.
Councilmember Balducci made a motion to relieve the Committee of the Whole of
Proposed Motion 2024-0331. The motion carried.
Councilmember Barón moved Amendment 1.
Miranda Leskinen, Council Staff, briefed the Council and answered questions.
Voting on Amendment 1, the motion carried.
Councilmember Barón moved Title Amendment T1. The motion carried.
A Public Hearing was Held and Closed. A motion was made by
Councilmember Balducci that this Motion be Passed as Amended. The motion
carried by the following vote:
7 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, and Zahilay
1 - Dunn
1 - von Reichbauer
BALLOT TITLE: Initiative Measure No. 2066
Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 2066 concerns regulating
energy services, including natural gas and electrification.
Concise Description: This measure would repeal or prohibit certain laws
and regulations that discourage natural gas use, and/or promote
electrification, and require certain utilities and local governments to
provide natural gas to eligible customers.