1200 King County  
516 Third Avenue  
Seattle, WA 98104  
King County  
Meeting Minutes  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Councilmembers: Dave Upthegrove, Chair;  
Girmay Zahilay, Vice Chair of Policy Development and  
Reagan Dunn, Vice Chair of Regional Coordination;  
Claudia Balducci, Jorge Barón, Rod Dembowski,  
Teresa Mosqueda, Sarah Perry, Pete von Reichbauer  
1:30 PM  
Tuesday, September 3, 2024  
Hybrid Meeting  
Hybrid Meetings: Attend King County Council meetings in person in  
Council Chambers (Room 1001), 516 3rd Avenue in Seattle, or through  
remote access. Details on how to attend and/or provide comment remotely  
are listed below.  
HOW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC TESTIMONY: The Council values community  
input and looks forward to hearing from you. Testimony must be limited to  
items listed on the agenda for council action, unless it's the fourth  
Tuesday of the month, when the Council will hear general comment on  
matters relating to county government. You are not required to sign up in  
There are three ways to provide public testimony:  
1. In person: You may attend the meeting in person in Council Chambers.  
2. By email: You may testify by submitting a COMMENT email. If your  
testimony is submitted before 10:00 a.m. on the day of the Council  
meeting, your email testimony will be distributed to the Councilmembers  
and appropriate staff prior to the meeting. Please submit your testimony  
by emailing clerk@kingcounty.gov.  
3. Remote attendance on the Zoom Webinar: You may provide oral public  
testimony at the meeting by connecting to the meeting via phone or  
the Webinar ID below.  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
Webinar ID: 890 5838 1493  
If you do not have access to the ZOOM application, you can connect to the  
meeting by calling 1 253 215 8782 and using the Webinar ID. Connecting in  
this manner, however, may impact your ability to be unmuted to speak.  
You have the right to language access services at no cost to you. To  
request these services, please contact our Equity and Social Justice  
Coordinator, Tera Chea at (206) 477 9259 or Tera.Chea2@kingcounty.gov,  
three (3) days prior to the meeting.  
If you do not wish to be called upon for public comment during the  
meeting, please help us manage the callers and use one of the options  
below (Live Streaming or King County TV Channel 22).  
HOW TO LISTEN TO THE MEETING: There are several ways to listen to the  
meeting if you don't wish to provide public testimony:  
link web address into your web browser.  
2. Watch King County TV on Comcast Channel 22 and 322(HD), and  
Astound Broadband Channels 22 and 711 (HD).  
3. Listen to the meeting by telephone – See “Connecting to the Webinar”  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 1:31 p.m.  
Roll Call  
9 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, von  
Reichbauer and Zahilay  
Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance  
Councilmember Dembowski led the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.  
Approval of Minutes of August 27, 2024  
Councilmember Zahilay moved to approve the minutes of the August 27, 2024,  
meeting as presented. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.  
Additions to the Council Agenda  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances from Standing  
Committees and Regional Committees, and of Ordinances  
related to Collective Bargaining  
There will be one public hearing on Items 6-16 and 24  
The following people spoke:  
Alex Tsimerman  
Altinay Karasapan  
Consent Items 6-7  
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to execute an agreement with Longacres  
Owners Association for the sale and use of thermal energy from King County wastewater, and to  
formally memorialize ownership of the system at the former Longacres site in Renton, Washington.  
The enacted number is 19811.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. This matter passed on the Consent  
AN ORDINANCE relating to changing the form of the note authorized under the conveyance of the  
surplus property located at 906 Pine Street, Seattle, Washington, in council district eight; and  
amending Ordinance 18546, Section 1.  
The enacted number is 19812.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. This matter passed on the Consent  
Passed On The Consent Agenda  
A motion was made by Councilmember Zahilay that the Consent Agenda be  
passed. The motion carried by the following vote:  
9 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, von  
Reichbauer, and Zahilay  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
Transportation, Economy and Environment  
AN ORDINANCE approving the grant funding allocation for projects funded through the 2020-2025  
parks, recreation, trails, and open space levy grant program in accordance with Ordinance 18890,  
Motion 15378, Ordinance 19166, and the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 19546,  
Section 95.  
The enacted number is 19813.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. A motion was made by Councilmember  
Dembowski that this Ordinance be Passed. The motion carried by the following  
9 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, von  
Reichbauer, and Zahilay  
Motions, from Standing Committees and Regional  
Committees and Motions related to Collective Bargaining,  
for Council Action  
Consent Items 9-11  
A MOTION approving the extension of the executive's appointment of Ed Carter as acting director of  
the community corrections division within the King County department of adult and juvenile detention.  
The enacted number is 16655.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. This matter passed on the Consent  
A MOTION appointing a qualified person to a vacant position on the fire district No. 37 board of  
The enacted number is 16656.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. This matter passed on the Consent  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
A MOTION confirming the appointment of Leon Richardson as director of the department of local  
The enacted number is 16657.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. This matter passed on the Consent  
Passed On The Consent Agenda  
A motion was made by Councilmember Zahilay that the Consent Agenda be  
passed. The motion carried by the following vote:  
9 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, von  
Reichbauer, and Zahilay  
Committee of the Whole  
A MOTION expressing the King County council's opposition to the approval of Washington state  
Initiative 2117, which, if approved by voters, would repeal sections of the Climate Commitment Act and  
prohibit state agencies from implementing any type of carbon tax credit trading.  
Balducci, Upthegrove, Zahilay, Dembowski, Mosqueda, Barón and  
Councilmember Balducci moved to relieve the Committee of the Whole of further  
consideration of Proposed Motion 2024-0272, pursuant to K.C.C. 1.24.125. Seeing  
no objection, the Chair so ordered.  
The Chair announced that Proposed Motion 2024-0272 would be deferred one week.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. This matter was Deferred.  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
Local Services and Land Use  
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Eric Oien, who resides in council district nine, to  
the King County rural forest commission.  
The Chair announced that Proposed Motion 2024-0040 would be rereferred back to  
the Local Services and Land Use Committee, as Eric Oien is no longer eligible to be  
appointed to this vacancy. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.  
This matter was Re-referred to the Local Services and Land Use Committee  
Transportation, Economy and Environment  
A MOTION relating to solid waste; acknowledging receipt of the sustainable aviation fuel report as  
required by the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 19210, Section 107, Proviso P1, as  
The enacted number is 16658.  
Pat McLaughlin, Division Director, Solid Waste Division - Department of Natural  
Resources and Parks, made remarks and briefed the Council.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. A motion was made by Councilmember  
Dembowski that this Motion be Passed. The motion carried by the following  
9 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, von  
Reichbauer, and Zahilay  
A MOTION accepting a RapidRide Prioritization Plan report as called for by Ordinance 19367, Section  
6.B., which report includes an update on the status of the planning and design of the RapidRide K and  
R lines, in response to Ordinance 19546, Section 114, Proviso P4.C.  
The enacted number is 16659.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. A motion was made by Councilmember  
Mosqueda that this Motion be Passed. The motion carried by the following  
9 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, von  
Reichbauer, and Zahilay  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
Reappointment Consent Agenda - Item 16  
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of Jeff Boyce, who resides in council district  
three, to the King County rural forest commission, representing rural cities.  
The enacted number is 16660.  
A Public Hearing was held and closed. A motion was made by Councilmember  
Zahilay that this Motion be Passed on the Consent Agenda. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
9 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Upthegrove, von  
Reichbauer, and Zahilay  
First Reading and Referral of Ordinances  
AN ORDINANCE relating to the citizens' elections oversight committee; and amending Ordinance  
15453, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C.2.53.021 and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 2.16.  
This matter had its first reading and was referred to the Government  
Accountability and Oversight Committee.  
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the vacation of a portion of the unnamed Alley and Street in the Plat of  
Stillwater, V-2754; Petitioners: Patricia Barajas and Cuauhtemoc Barajas Reina, Michael and Kyong  
O. Hong, and Zoe and Derek Anderson.  
This matter had its first reading and was referred to the Hearing Examiner.  
AN ORDINANCE relating to the concept of Complete Streets, which promotes roadways that are safe  
and convenient for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motor vehicle drivers  
of all ages and abilities.  
Perry and Balducci  
This matter had its first reading and was referred to the Local Services and  
Land Use Committee.  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
First Reading and Referral of Motions  
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Lauren Berkowitz, who resides in council district  
eight, to the King County personnel board.  
This matter had its first reading and was referred to the Government  
Accountability and Oversight Committee.  
A MOTION approving a forest carbon credit approval report in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 18.35.  
This matter had its first reading and was referred to the Transportation,  
Economy, and Environment Committee.  
A MOTION requesting the executive establish a regional workforce housing initiative and develop an  
implementation plan on options to utilize excess debt capacity to partner with housing agencies and  
housing developers to provide permanently rent-restricted multiple-unit housing.  
Zahilay and Dembowski  
This matter had its first reading and was referred to the Budget and Fiscal  
Management Committee.  
Metropolitan King County Council  
Meeting Minutes  
September 3, 2024  
Reports on Special and Outside Committees  
Other Business  
Memorial recognition of Dr. Michael K. Copass for his contributions to the  
emergency medical care field  
Chair Upthegrove announced that the Memorial Recognition has been officially  
acknowledged and presented in the community.  
The meeting was adjourned at 2:06 p.m.