Regional Water Quality Committee
Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2024
John McClellan, Chair, MWPAAC, briefed the committee on recent and upcoming
MWPAAC meetings and tours.
Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) Report
Kamuron Gurol, Director, Wastewater Treatment Division, Department of Natural
Resources and Parks, briefed the committee on WTD's recent receipt of an award
from the Washington State Department of Commerce's Clean Energy Grant Fund,
loans to be received by the Department of Ecology in fiscal year 2025, agreed
modification of the Combined Sewer Overflow Consent Decree, and long-term sewer
rate forecasting and answered questions from the members.
Combined Sewer Overflow Consent Decree Modification
Jenny Giambattista, Council staff, and Faon O’Connor, CSO Control Manager,
Wastewater Treatment Division, Department of Natural Resources and Parks, briefed
the committee via PowerPoint presentation and answered questions from the
The chair recessed the meeting into executive session under RCW 42.30.110(h) at
10:15 AM for 15 minutes t
o discuss with legal counsel legal risks of a proposed action when public knowledge
regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence
to the county. The executive session was extended until 10:40 AM. The meeting
returned to regular session at 10:44 AM.
This matter was Presented
Regional Wastewater Services Plan Update
Jim Simmonds, Supervisor, Comprehensive Planning, Wastewater Treatment Division,
Department of Natural Resources and Parks, briefed the committee via PowerPoint
This matter was Deferred