Health, Housing, and Human
Services Committee
Meeting Minutes
July 2, 2024
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Aaron Garcia, who resides in council district
eight, to the King County Communities of Opportunity-Best Starts for Kids levy advisory board, as a
community member who reflects demographic characteristics of the communities that qualify for
funding in accordance with Communities of Opportunity funding guidelines and who are grassroots
organizers or activists in those communities or who live in.
A motion was made by Councilmember Perry that this Motion be
Recommended Do Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - Barón, Mosqueda, Perry and Zahilay
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Lindsay Goes Behind, who resides in council
district eight, to the King County Communities of Opportunity-Best Starts for Kids levy advisory board,
as a member with system or sector knowledge of the Communities of Opportunity result area of health.
A motion was made by Councilmember Perry that this Motion be
Recommended Do Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - Barón, Mosqueda, Perry and Zahilay
Celebrating Ten Years of Communities of Opportunity: A Unique Community, King County and
Philanthropy Partnership
Elsa Batres-Boni – COO Director, Jackie Vaughn, Surge Reproductive Rights,
Michael Brown- Seattle Foundation, and Michael Seiwerath, Executive Director,
SEED Seattle, briefed the committee via PowerPoint Presentation and answered
questions from the members.
This matter was Presented
Discussion and Possible Action
AN ORDINANCE relating to the King County behavioral health advisory board; empowering the King
County behavioral health advisory board to be the advisory body for the crisis care centers levy; and
amending Ordinance 18170, Section 1, and K.C.C. 2A.300.050.
Melissa Bailey, Council staff, briefed the Committee on the legislation and answered
questions from the members. Susan McLaughlin, Director, Behavioral Health and
Recovery Division (BHRD), Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS)