1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
King County
Meeting Minutes
Law and Justice Committee
Jorge Barón, Chair;
Claudia Balducci,Vice-Chair;
Rod Dembowski, Reagan Dunn
Lead Staff: Wendy Soo Hoo (206-477-0890)
Committee Clerk: Gabbi Williams (206-477-7470)
1:00 PM
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Hybrid Meeting
Call to Order
Roll Call
Chair Barón called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m.
4 - Balducci, Barón, Dembowski and Dunn
Approval of Minutes
Councilmember Dembowski moved approval of the minutes of the May 22, 2024
meeting. Seeing no objections, the minutes were approved.
Public Comment
The following individuals were present to provide public comment:
Alex Tsimmerman, Bruno Kelpsis, Izzy Eads, Bailey de Iongh, Rhea Yo, Kristen
Faiferlick, Karen Pillar, Roxy, Scot Sternberg, Sara Kilisky, Nikkita Oliver, Lydia
Simpson, Rose Harriot, Roxana Gomez, Anita Khandelwal, Valentina Saldovez,
Thomas Rathbone, BJ Last, Kalum Corbray, Linda Smith, Olivia Crawford, Durojaiye
Heru, Julissa Sanchez, Tanya Lester, JM Wong, Farren Rice, Patti Mann, Carter
Yee, Frances Rice, Aubrey Dillon, Huiling Yang, AJ Carroll, Kay Karr, Renaissance,
Edoukou Swan, Matthew Patrick Thomas, Max Doggett, Jana Detrick, Virgil, Crystal
McDonald, and Flora Wright.