1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
King County
Meeting Agenda
Budget and Fiscal Management
Girmay Zahilay, Chair;
Rod Dembowski, Vice Chair;
Reagan Dunn, Claudia Balducci, Jorge Barón, Teresa Mosqueda,
Sarah Perry, Dave Upthegrove, Pete von Reichbauer
Co-Lead Staff: Brandi Paribello (206-263-3129), April Sanders (206-263-3412)
Committee Clerk: Marka Steadman (206-477-0887)
6:00 PM
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
New Holly Gathering Hall
New Holly Gathering Hall
7054 32nd Ave. S
Seattle, WA 98118
Hybrid Meetings: Attend this King County Council committee meeting in person at the New
Holly Gathering Hall, 7054 32nd Ave. S, Seattle WA 98118.
Pursuant to K.C.C. 1.24.035 A. and F., this meeting is also noticed as a meeting of the
Metropolitan King County Council, whose agenda is limited to the committee business. In this
meeting only the rules and procedures applicable to committees apply and not those
applicable to full council meetings.
HOW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENT: The Budget and Fiscal Management Committee values
community input and looks forward to hearing from you on agenda items.
There are two ways to provide public comment:
1. In person: You may attend the meeting and provide oral comment on current agenda items
during the meeting’s public comment period.
2. By email: You may comment in writing on current agenda items by submitting your email
comments to budget.council@kingcounty.gov.
You are not required to sign up in advance. Comments are limited to current agenda items.
You have the right to language access services at no cost to you. To request these services,
please contact Language Access Coordinator, Tera Chea at 206-477-9259 or email
tera.chea2@kingcounty.gov by 8:00 a.m. three business days prior to the meeting.
King County
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Printed on 10/4/2024