Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) Strategic Plan Refresh
Monisha Harrell, Director, Office of Equity, Racial and Social Justice (OERSJ)
Alison Holcomb, Chief of Staff, OERSJ
Karan Gill, Chief of Staff, Executive's Office
Disability Equity Action Plan - Update on Implementation
Monisha Harrell, Director, Office of Equity, Racial and Social Justice (OERSJ)
Alison Holcomb, Chief of Staff, OERSJ
Karan Gill, Chief of Staff, Executive's Office
Discussion Only
AN ORDINANCE approving the King County Doors Open Program implementation plan, required by
Ordinance 19710, Section 9, to govern the expenditure of the cultural access sales and use tax from
2024 through 2031 to achieve outcomes related to public and educational benefits and economic
support for arts, science, and heritage organizations.
Balducci and Zahilay
Leah Krekel-Zoppi, Council staff
Gene Paul, Council staff
Andy Micklow, Council staff
Discussion and Possible Action
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to execute the amended and restated interlocal
agreement for the establishment of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority, a joint or
cooperative undertaking with the city of Seattle and with such public agencies as are eligible under
the terms of the interlocal agreement and applicable law.
Balducci, Dembowski and Zahilay
April Sanders, Council staff
King County
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Printed on 9/20/2024