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King County Council meeting minutes King County Council meeting minutes
King County
1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Proceedings
Metropolitan King County Council
Councilmembers: Larry Phillips, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Bob Ferguson, Kathy Lambert, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Steve Hammond, Larry Gossett,
Jane Hague, David W. Irons, Julia Patterson

Room 1001 December 13, 2004 1:30 P.M.

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:39 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
Excused: Mr. McKenna
Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Edmonds led the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes of December 6, 2004
Mr. von Reichbauer moved to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2004 meeting as presented.
Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Special Item
Presentation of a Recognition to Dr. Mark Emmert, President of the University of Washington
The Chair made comments about Dr. Emmert, and notably King County's relationship with the
University of Washington.
Mr. von Reichbauer made comments.
Mr. Phillips and Mr. Reichbauer read the recognition and presented it to Dr. Emmert. Dr. Emmert
thanked the Council.
Reports on Special and Outside Committees
Ms. Patterson reported on the Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board. At its last meeting,
the Board unanimously adopted a legislative agenda. The elected officials from King, Snohomish
and Kitsap counties have agreed on the following items; the state legislature should find additional
funding for transportation, the Board would support the legislature to raise taxes for transportation,
it has advocated for additional transportation funding for cities and counties, and the Legislature
should create a special funding category for roads that have safety and preservation issues. Ms.
Patterson indicated that two projects to be placed in that category are the Alaska Way Viaduct and
the 520 floating bridge.

Ms. Patterson reported on the Puget Sound Regional Council Transportation Policy Board.
Councilmember Conlin, Seattle, offered a fifth item for the Legislative agenda which is asking the
Board to support additional state funding for multi-modal improvements. This was adopted

Mr. Irons reported on the Greater Maple Valley Area Council. The members had a briefing by
Chandler Felt, Demographer, Budget Division. The Council redistricting was a point of discussion,
as well as the critical areas ordinance and public rules.

Mr. Irons reported on the Growth Management Planning Council. The Council passed Motion 04-5
which allows the rural park area of Covington to move into the urban growth line of Covington's
potential annexation area.

Mr. Irons reported on his participation in the Washington State Agriculture Annual Summit in
Puyallup. He distributed a map which identified production by county.

Mr. Irons reported on the Eastside Transportation Partnership. The members discussed the recently
held joint meeting of the South County Area Transportation Board (SCAT) and the Seattle North
King County Transportation Board (SeaShore). The ETP is forming three subcommittees, with the
goal to bring legislative agendas together. Mr. Irons was nominated as Vice Chair. Voting will take
place in January.

Ms. Hague added that the members had a regional briefing on ridership for Sound Transit,
commuter rail and buses.

Mr. Pelz reported on Sound Transit. The Board discussed acquiring property in Puyallup for
additional parking. Sound Transit announced a fare increase for express bus, but not sounder rail.
Public hearings on this issue will be held in the near future.
Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances
Consent Items - 4 and 5
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0555 Ms. Lambert
AN ORDINANCE approving the county executive to execute an interlocal agreement with
the city of Snoqualmie for the purpose of designing and constructing improvements to the
Meadowbrook bridge.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number 15093.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0556 Ms. Hague
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to execute an interlocal
agreement with the city of Kirkland regarding the operation of city-owned traffic signals
and related intelligent transportation system equipment by the King County road services
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number 15094.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
Budget and Fiscal Management
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0489 Mr. Gossett
AN ORDINANCE relating to the 2004 levy of property taxes in King County for collection
in the year 2005.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15095.

Mr. Gosset moved Striking Amendment S1. The motion carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
A motion was made by Mr. Gossett that this matter be Passed as Amended. The motion carried
by the following vote:

Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Mr. Irons and Mr. Gossett
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to enter into an exchange of one
county-owned, undeveloped parcel for one privately owned, undeveloped parcel, and the
granting of eight easements by King County associated with those parcels within council
district 12.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The following people appeared to speak on 12/13/2004 :
Bob Johns, 1500 114th SE, Bellevue, WA 98004
The enacted number is 15096.
A motion was made by Mr. Gossett that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna

Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0542 Mr. Gossett
AN ORDINANCE making an appropriation of $567,634 from the current expense fund to
the department of assessments; and amending the 2004 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance
14797, Section 36, as amended.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15097.
A motion was made by Mr. Gossett that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
Committee of the Whole
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0556 Mr. Constantine and Ms. Hague
AN ORDINANCE extending the term of cable television franchise 12132 and cable
television franchise 11680 to February 16, 2008, and approving proposed amendments to
franchise agreements for cable television franchise 12132 and cable television franchise
On 12/9/2002, a public hearing was held and remained open.
On 12/8/2003, a public hearing was held and closed.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The following people appeared to speak on 12/13/2004 :
Marc Pease, 17625 Beall Road SW, Vashon, WA 98070
Daniel Hannah, 600 Summit Avenue E, #303, Seattle, WA 98102
Sylvia Haven, 10418 12th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98125
Bob Hasegawa, 3121 15th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144
Jan Strout, 5818 N.E. 70th St. - A305, Seattle, WA 98115
Kenneth W. Meyer, 1509 N 143rd St., Seattle, WA 98133
Steven Pyeatt, 14700 114th Ave. N.E., Kirkland, WA 98034
The enacted number is 15098.

The Chair reopened the public hearing on Proposed Ordinance 2002-0556.
Councilmember Hague briefed the members on the history and status of the ordinance.
Mike Alvine, council staff, answered questions of the Council.
Marcine Anderson, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, Civil Division, Office of the Prosecuting
Attorney, answered questions of the Council.
Kevin Kearns, Director, Information and Telecommunications Services Division, Department of
Executive Services, answered questions of the Council.
Chris Jaramillo, Cable Communications Assistant, Information and Telecommunications Services
Division, Department of Executive Services, answered questions of the Council.
Ms. Hague moved Striking Amendment S2. The motion carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna

Ms. Hague moved Title Amendment T2. The motion carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna

A motion was made by Ms. Hague that this matter be Passed as Amended. The motion carried
by the following vote:
Yes: 9 - Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Hammond, Ms. Hague, Mr.
Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 3 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Gossett
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0519 Ms. Edmonds and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE relating to zoning; creating a temporary use permit for homeless
encampments; amending Ordinance 12196, Section 9, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.20.020
and Ordinance 10870, Section 549, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.32.120 and adding a new
section to K.C.C. chapter 21A.32.
The following people appeared to speak on 12/13/2004 :
Father Kevin Duggan, 12600 84th Avenue NE, Kirkland, WA 98034
Scott St. Clair, 11704 NE 148th Place, Kirkland, WA 98034
Bryan Johnson, 8618 NE 126th Place, Kirkland, WA 98034
Jim Hanken, 15543 62nd Avenue NE, Kenmore, WA 98028
Mike Eichner, 13101 87th Avenue NE, Kirkland, WA 98034
Leo Rhodes, Tent City 4, Kirkland, WA 98043
Tom Sherrard, 558 20th Avenue, Kirkland, WA 98033
Mark Vander, Tent City 4, Kirkland, WA 98043
Winston Pennington, Tent City 4, Kirkland, WA 98043
Michael Sherrard, 558 20th Avenue, Kirkland, WA 98032
Bill Kirlin-Hackett, 18328 NE 103rd Court, Redmond, WA 98052
Rod Harmon, PO Box 1066, Bothell, WA 98041
Rudy Ramirez, 5500 Roxbury Blvd, Seattle, WA 98118
Steven Pyeatt, 14700 114th Avenue NE, Kirkland, WA 98034
Greg Cryderman, 8427 NE 122nd Street, Kirkland, WA 98034
Mr. von Reichbauer moved to suspend the rules in order to take public testimony on Proposed
Ordinance 2004-0519. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.

The Chair indicated that Proposed Ordinance 2004-0519 remains in Committee-of-the-Whole.
Labor, Operations and Technology
There was one public hearing on Items 11-19. These Items were considered as a consent agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0536 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement and two
memoranda of understanding negotiated by and between King County and Service
Employees International Union, Public Safety Employees, Local 519 (Communications
Specialists) representing employees in the sheriff's office and establishing the effective date
of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15099.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0537 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement and two
memoranda of understanding negotiated by and between King County and Service
Employees International Union, Public Safety Employees, Local 519 (Communications
Specialists) representing employees in the sheriff's office and establishing the effective date
of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15100.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0538 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and King County Police Officers Guild representing deputies
and sergeants in the sheriff's office; and establishing the effective date of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15101.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0539 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 117
(Administrative Support Employees) representing employees in the departments of
executive services, natural resources and parks, community and human services, public
health, and transportation; and establishing the effective date of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15102.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0540 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and Service Employees International Union, Public Safety
Employees, Local 519 (Captains) representing employees in the King County Sheriff's
Office; and establishing the effective date of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15103.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0541 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and Service Employees International Union, Public Safety
Employees, Local 519 (Captains) representing employees in the King County Sheriff's
Office; and establishing the effective date of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15104.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0551 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and Service Employees International Union, Public Safety
Employees, Local 519 (DAJD Management Bargaining Unit), representing employees in
the department of adult and juvenile detention; and establishing the effective date of said
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15105.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0552 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and International Federation of Professional & Technical
Engineers, Local 17 (Administrative Support & Rideshare) representing employees in the
department of transportation; and establishing the effective date of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15106.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0553 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local
77 (Power), representing employees in the department of transportation; and establishing
the effective date of said agreement.
On 12/13/2004, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 15107.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Ms. Patterson that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion carried
by the following vote:
Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna

Natural Resources and Utilities
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0534 Ms. Edmonds
AN ORDINANCE relating to the annexation of an area of land known as annexation area
2003-2 into the Val Vue Sewer District for the purpose of providing sewer service for
future development.
Ms. Edmonds moved to suspend the rules in order to hold public testimony on Proposed Ordinance
2004-0534. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.

The Chair indicated that Proposed Ordinance 2004-0534 remains in the Natural Resources and
Utilities Committee.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0535 Ms. Edmonds
AN ORDINANCE relating to the annexation of an area of land known as annexation area
2004-2 into the Val Vue Sewer District for the purpose of providing sewer service for
future development.
Ms. Edmonds moved to suspend the rules in order to take public testimony on Proposed Ordinance
2004-0535. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.

The Chair indicated that Proposed Ordinance 2004-0535 remains in the Natural Resources and
Utilities Committee.
Motions for Council Action
Committee of the Whole
Items 22-23 were added to the consent agenda.
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Ms. Edmonds and Ms. Lambert
A MOTION establishing the 2005 State Legislative Agenda for King County.
The enacted number is 12059.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Ms. Edmonds and Ms. Lambert
A MOTION establishing the 2005 (FY'06) Federal Agenda for King County.
The enacted number is 12060.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 3 - Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna and Mr. Gossett
Reappointment Consent Agenda - Item 24
Proposed Motion No. 2004-0523 Mr. McKenna
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of John Sothern, who resides in
council district six, to the King County Harborview Medical Center board of trustees,
representing King County council district six.
The enacted number is 12061.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 10 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Ferguson, Mr.
Hammond, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 3 - Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna and Mr. Gossett
Employment Committee Consent Agenda - Items 25-27 & 33-34
25. A. Hire a Temporary On-Call KCTV Video Specialist
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna

26. B. Hire a Temporary On-Call KCTV Video Specialist
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
27. Hire a Deputy Hearing Examiner
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
Hearing Examiner Consent Agenda Items 28 and 29
Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the vacation of a portion of 136th Avenue Southeast - file
V-2471. Petitioners: Ioan and Dorina Morar.
The enacted number is 15108.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the vacation of a portion of 64th Avenue Northeast - File
V-2491. Petitioner: Jerold Ullery.
The enacted number is 15109.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Constantine that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 9 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Hague,
Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 4 - Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Hammond and Mr. Gossett

Introduction of Ordinances for First Reading and Referral
Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0557 Mr. Irons
AN ORDINANCE relating to zoning; establishing standards related to the application,
review and approval of applications for rural stewardship plans or farm management plans;
adding a new chapter to K.C.C. Title 21A and repealing Ordinance 15051, Section 138, and
K.C.C. 21A.24.--- and Ordinance 15051, Section 139, and K.C.C. 21A.24.---.
Introduced and Referred to Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee
Introduction of Motions and Referrals
Proposed Motion No. 2004-0475 Ms. Patterson
A MOTION accepting the Institutional Network (I-Net) 2004 Budget Proviso Response.
Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
Other Business
Acceptance of the Certification of Election Results.

1. Should either of these proposed charter amendments be adopted?
YES 423,950 56.48% PASSED
NO 326,642 43.52%
2. If one of these proposed charter amendments is adopted, which one should it be?

CHARTER AMENDMENT 1B 338,697 49.38%

YES 547,558 67.79% PASSED
NO 260,149 32.21%
a general sales tax 145,762 20.03%
an excise tax on the value of motor vehicles 194,041 26.67%
a flat tax on motor vehicles 119,705 16.45%
an increase in the local gas tax 151,721 20.85%
a tax on total annual vehicle miles traveled 116,368 15.99%

Mr. von Reichbauer moved acceptance of the certification of returns from the election of November
2, 2004.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 10 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Hammond, Ms. Hague,
Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 3 - Mr. McKenna, Mr. Pelz and Mr. Gossett
Extra Items
Plat Tracing
Maple Ridge Highlands - Council District 12
Mr. Constantine moved to adopt the DDES finding of fact that the final plat of Maple Ridge
Highlands complies with the conditions of preliminary plat approval and other applicable laws, and
that the Chair is authorized to signify Council approval by signing the final plat at the end of the
meeting. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Employment Committee Consent Agenda - Items 25-27 and 33-34
33. Hire a Pro Tem Hearing Examiner
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna

34. Approve Excess Leave Carryover
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Votes: Yes: 12 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine,
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Mr. McKenna
The meeting was adjourned at 5:37 p.m.


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