Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2025
Government Accountability and
Oversight Committee
Capital Projects Past, Present, and Future at the Airport
John Parrott, Director, King County International Airport, and David Decoteau, Deputy
Director, King County International Airport, briefed the committee via PowerPoint
presentation and answered questions from the members.
This matter was presented.
Audit Report: Civil Asset Forfeiture
Brooke Leary, Audit Director, King County Auditor’s Office, and Peter Heineccius,
Senior Principal Auditor, King County Auditor’s Office, briefed the committee via
PowerPoint presentation and answered questions from the members. Geoffrey
Thomas, Chief of Staff, King County Sheriff's Office, also answered questions from the
This matter was presented.
Discussion and Possible Action
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Nicole Cain, who resides in council district six, to
the King County Museum of Flight Authority board of directors.
Gene Paul,Council staff, briefed the committee. Nicole Cain, appointee, and Lynda
King, Staff Liaison, Museum of Flight Authority Board of Directors, answered questions
from the members.
A motion was made by Councilmember Perry that this Motion be
Recommended Do Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - von Reichbauer, Dunn, Mosqueda and Perry
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Amy Calderwood, who resides in council district
four, to the King County board of ethics.
Gene Paul, Council staff, briefed the committee. Amy Calderwood, appointee,
answered questions from the members.
A motion was made by Councilmember Perry that this Motion be
Recommended Do Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - von Reichbauer, Dunn, Mosqueda and Perry