Regional Water Quality Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2025
John McClellan, Chair, MWPAAC, reported on the February general meeting where the
2026 sewer rates and financial forecast were the primary topics; and the Executive
Board's retreat on February 28th with discussion on their work plan, intent to align to
the decree as well as issues at play this year. The next general meeting is on March
26th. Other comments covered a presentation by WTD and their consultants on cost
and cost estimating efforts for the mouth of the Duwamish CSO project; concern
among members on policies related to CSOs, capacity charge, and rate equity and
affordability; along with concerns and challenges around rate projections in light of
infrastructure work that MWPAAC members need to address.
Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) Report
Kamuron Gurol, Director, Wastewater Treatment Division, commented on the projected
2026 Sewer Rate and associated forecast; a presentation tomorrow on the proposed
rate to MWPAAC; the cost of the regulatorily-mandated MDCSO project; the
contribution of regulatory requirements, asset management and capacity needs to the
higher rate path; WTD's pledge to employ transparency, best practices and
collaboration; vision for clean water; bills being followed in the State legislature; and
the State Pollution Control Hearings Board ruling that invalidated the Puget Sound
Nutrient General Permit.
Wastewater Treatment Division’s Preliminary 2026 Sewer Rate Forecast Discussion
Kamuron Gurol, Director, Wastewater Treatment Division, briefed the committee and
answered questions from the members. Chair Balducci provided an overview of the
role of the Auditor's Office.
This matter was Presented
Regional Wastewater Services Plan Update - Wastewater Treatment Division’s Framing of Challenges
and Opportunities Which are Informing Development of the Options for the Vision for Clean Water
Darren Greve, Government Relations Administrator, Wastewater Treatment Division;
briefed the committee and answered questions from the members.
This matter was Presented