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King County Council meeting minutes King County Council meeting minutes
King County
1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Proceedings
Budget and Fiscal Management
Councilmembers: Larry Phillips, Chair; Jane Hague, Vice Chair; Dow
Larry Gossett, Rob McKenna, Cynthia Sullivan, Pete von Reichbauer

Staff: Rebecha Cusack (296-0330), Lead Staff Analyst; Elissa Benson
(296-1667), Analyst; Carrie Cihak (296-0317), Analyst; Tom Koney
(296-0338), Analyst; Polly St. John (296-1641), Analyst;
David Layton (296-1679), Analyst; Janice Mansfield (296-1683), Committee

Room 1001 June 12, 2002 9:30 A.M.

Call to Order
Chair Phillips called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.
Roll Call
Present: Mr. Phillips, Ms. Hague, Ms. Sullivan, Mr. McKenna, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Constantine
and Mr. Gossett
Approval of Minutes of June 5, 2002
The minutes of June 5, 2002 were approved as presented.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0259 Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE making a supplemental appropriation of $1,936,504 from current
expense reserves to the office of public defense to pay for extraordinary costs in the case
against Gary Leon Ridgway; and amending the 2002 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14265,
Section 43, as amended.
Carrie Cihak, Council staff, briefed the committee on Proposed Ordinance 2002-0259.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0210 Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE making a supplemental appropriation of $475,000 to the building repair
and replacement sub-fund to cover the cost of selecting a company to construct a new King
County office building and to engage a consultant to perform a final feasibility analysis of a
central steam plant designed to serve the county's central government buildings and
Harborview Medical Center; and amending the 2001 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14018,
Section 124 and Attachment 2, as amended.
David Layton, Council staff, briefed the committee on Proposed Ordinance 2002-0210. Also present
to brief the committee and answer questions were Pat Steel, Manager and Dave Preugschat,
Assistant Manager, Facilities Management Division, Department of Executive Services; Rebecha
Cusack, Council staff and David Victor, Seneca Real Estate Group.

Discussion and Possible Action
Proposed Ordinance No. 2001-0407 Mr. Phillips and Mr. McKenna
AN ORDINANCE relating to comprehensive planning; adopting the 2002 King County
space plan update; and amending Ordinance 10810, Section 1, and K.C.C. 20.12.100.
David Layton, Council staff, briefed the committee on Proposed Ordinance 2001-0407. Also present
to brief the committee and answer questions were Rebecha Cusack, Council staff and Pat Steel,
Manager, Facilities Management Division, Department of Executive Services.
Briefing No. 2002-B0114
District Court - 2002 Adopted Budget Proviso Response
Polly St. John, Council staff, briefed the committee on the District Court 2002 Adopted Budget
Proviso Response. Also present to brief the committee and answer questions were: Clifton Curry,
Council staff; Wesley Saint Clair, Presiding Judge, King County District Court; Rebecha Cusack,
Council staff and Steve Call, Director, Budget Office.
Other Business
There was no further business to come before the Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 12:08


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