Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2025
Local Services and Land Use
AN ORDINANCE relating to retail establishments; changing the effective date of the requirement that
retailers in unincorporated King County, unless otherwise exempted, must accept payment in cash; and
amending Ordinance 19639, Section 6.
A motion was made by Councilmember Quinn that this Ordinance be
Recommended Do Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry and Quinn
Discussion and Possible Action
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to enter into an interlocal agreement with the
City of Shoreline to implement a regional program to transfer development rights from lands in
unincorporated King County into the city of Shoreline.
Jake Tracy, Council staff, briefed the committee and answered questions from the
members. Nicholas Bratton, Transfer of Development Rights Program Manager,
Department of Natural Resources and Parks, answered questions from the members.
Councilmember Quinn moved approval of amendment 1. The amendment was
A motion was made by Councilmember Quinn that this Ordinance be
Recommended Do Pass Substitute Consent. The motion carried by the
following vote:
4 - Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry and Quinn
Briefing on King County Roads Capital Program and Maintenance Needs
Tricia Davis, Director, Road Services Division; and Cathleen Buzan, Strategic
Development Analyst, Department of Local Services; briefed the committee and
answered questions from the members.
This matter was Presented