King County


1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104







Meeting Agenda








Metropolitan King County










Councilmembers: Cynthia Sullivan, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Kathy Lambert, Larry Phillips, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Kent Pullen, Larry Gossett, Jane Hague,
David W. Irons, Julia Patterson





Room 1001


April 7, 2003


1:30 P.M.


















Call to Order




Roll Call




Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance




Councilmember Constantine will lead the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.






Approval of Minutes of March 31, 2003






Councilmember von Reichbauer






Reports on Special and Outside Committees






Regional Transportation Investment District Outreach






Plat Tracings






Councilmember Hague




Lake of the Woods Div. 7 Alteration No. 1 - Council District 3




Bifrost Gate - Council District 9




Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances




Consent Item - Item 4




Councilmember von Reichbauer






Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0076


Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE establishing a new fund, the risk abatement fund, for the purpose of
processing administrative and related costs associated with fund activity; making technical
corrections; amending Ordinance 12076, Section 9, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.08.015 and
adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 4.08.




On 3/3/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal
Management Committee .
4/2/2003, the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee Recommended Do Pass Consent.




Public Hearing Required on Consent Item 4




Regional Policy




Councilmember Patterson






Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.


Ms. Patterson








AN ORDINANCE establishing the 2003 work plan for the regional policy committee of the
King County council.




On 3/31/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Introduced and Referred to Regional Policy
4/2/2003, the Regional Policy Committee Amended.
4/2/2003, the Regional Policy Committee Recommended Do Pass Substitute.



Public Hearing Required
















Councilmember Pelz






Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.


Mr. Pelz and Mr. McKenna








AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to execute an interlocal agreement for the design,
implementation, operation and maintenance of the regional fare coordination system.




On 3/10/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Introduced and Referred to Transportation
3/12/2003, the Transportation Committee Recommended Do Pass Substitute.
3/17/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Deferred.
3/17/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Hearing Held.
3/24/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Deferred.
3/31/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Deferred.



On 3/17/2003, a public hearing was held and closed.




Motions for Council Action




Budget and Fiscal Management




Councilmember Phillips






Proposed Substitute Motion No. 2002-0550.2


Mr. Gossett and Ms. Hague





A MOTION approving the reports, Law, Safety and Justice Strategic Integration Plan and the
LSJ Program Alternatives Strategy and Approach.




On 11/12/2002, the Metropolitan King County Council Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal
Management Committee .
1/13/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Reintroduced and Referred to Labor,
Operations and Technology Committee.
3/25/2003, the Labor, Operations and Technology Committee Amended.
3/25/2003, the Labor, Operations and Technology Committee Recommended Do Pass Substitute.
4/2/2003, the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee Recommended Do Pass Substitute.






Proposed Substitute Motion No. 2003-0141.2


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION adopting the program, budget and schedule for the Harborview bond project and
authorizing the release of $4.2 million appropriated in the 2003 budget for schematic design.




On 3/31/2003, the Metropolitan King County Council Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal
Management Committee .
4/2/2003, the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee Amended.
4/2/2003, the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee Recommended Do Pass Substitute.




Introduction of Ordinances for First Reading and Referral






Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0144


Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE disappropriating and reappropriating various capital projects within the
major maintenance reserve fund to allocate funding to an Courthouse Seismic and a general
facility major maintenance emergent need contingency project; and amending the 2003 Budget
Ordinance, Ordinance 14517, Section 118 and Attachment B, as amended.



Refer to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee














Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0146


Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE relating to implementing a flexible response budgeting policy for the major
maintenance reserve fund capital improvement program that allows current year budget
authorization at the fund total rather than the capital improvement program project level,
modifying the major maintenance reserve fund terms and reporting requirements; amending
Ordinance 12076, Section 29, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.08.250 and adding a new section to
K.C.C. chapter 4.04.



Refer to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee






Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0147


Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE transferring major maintenance reserve fund 2003 adopted budget authority
to a new capital improvement budget attachment, consistent with the flexible budget policy;
and amending the 2003 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14517, Section 118 and Attachment B,
as amended, and adding a new section to Ordinance 14517.



Refer to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee






Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0148


Mr. Gossett





AN ORDINANCE relating to the code of ethics; revising provisions related to former
employees and members of county boards and commissions; amending Ordinance 6144,
Section 2, as amended, K.C.C. 3.04.035 and Ordinance 12014, Section 2, as amended, and
K.C.C. 3.04.017.



Refer to Law, Justice and Human Services Committee






Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0167


Ms. Sullivan





AN ORDINANCE authorizing the county to enter into an agreement with Fremont Public
Association, allowing the county to participate in the Working Wheels program and to provide
up to fifty surplus vehicles to the Working Wheels program each year.



Refer to Committee of the Whole




Introduction of Motions and Referrals






Proposed Motion No. 2003-0154


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION approving the major maintenance reserve fund proviso response as outlined in the
2003 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14517, Section 118.



Refer to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee






Proposed Motion No. 2003-0156


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION approving the office of management and budget's plan for monitoring
expenditures associated with the Green River homicide investigation and State v. Ridgway



Refer to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee














Proposed Motion No. 2003-0157


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION approving a report on work crews from the department of adult and juvenile
detention as requested in the 2003 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14517.



Refer to Law, Justice and Human Services Committee




Other Business



