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King County Council meeting minutes King County Council meeting minutes
King County
1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Proceedings
Regional Transit Committee
Councilmembers: Rob McKenna, Chair; Dwight Pelz, Vice Chair; Cynthia
Kathy Lambert, David W. Irons, Julia Patterson

Suburban Cities Association: Mary Gates, Federal Way; Don Gerend,
Holly Plackett, Redmond; Sonny Putter, Newcastle; Marcia Schwendiman,
Guy Spencer, Normandy Park; Jim White, Kent; Glenn Wilson, Algona;
Alternates: Fred Butler, Issaquah; Fuzzy Fletcher, Snoqualmie; Pam Carter,
Tukwila; Rebecca Clark, Covington

City of Seattle: Richard Conlin, Heidi Wills; Alternate: Nick Licata
Staff: Arthur Thornbury (296-1680), Lead Analyst;
Joanne Rasmussen (296-0333), Committee Assistant

Room 1001 October 16, 2002 3:00 P.M.

Call to Order
The Regional Transit Committee meeting was called to order at 3:08 p.m. by Rob McKenna, Chair,
in the Metropolitan King County Council Chambers, 10th Floor, King County Courthouse.
Roll Call
Present: Mr. McKenna, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Irons, Ms. Lambert, Ms. Patterson, Ms. Gates, Mr. Gerend, Ms.
Schewendiman, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Butler and Ms. Carter
Excused: Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Plackett, Mr. Putter, Mr. White, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Conlin and Ms. Wills
Approval of Minutes - September 18, 2002
The minutes of the September 18, 2002 meeting of the regional Transit Committee were approved.
2. Chair's Report
The Chair excused the absence of the City of Seattle members who were attending a Seattle Budget
Forum. He noted that the Metropolitan King County Council amended Proposed Motion 2002-0442,
approved by the Regional Transit Committee at its September 18th meeting. Therefore, the proposed
motion as amended by the council would be before the committee for action at this meeting. The
Chair also offered to arrange an informal briefing on the Executive-Proposed Transit Budget for the
3. Vice Chair's Report
There was no report by the Vice-Chair.
4. General Manager's Report
Rick Walsh, General Manager, Transit Division, and Jim Jacobson, Deputy General Manager,
Transit Division, answered questions from the members in lieu of a formal report.
5. Announcements
There were no announcements from members.
6. Public Comment
The following people appeared before the committee to offer public comment:
Paul W. Locke, 308 E. Republican Street, Seattle, WA 98102
Philip Grega, 1902 Second Avenue #616, Seattle, WA 98101
Gloria Acosta, 9413 - 26th SW, West Seattle, WA
Discussion and Possible Action
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Mr. McKenna
A MOTION approving the 2002-2003 mission and goals of the transit division of the
department of transportation.
Arthur Thornbury, Committee Staff, briefed the committee on the King County Council's amendment
to Proposed Motion 2002-0442 which triggered the re-referral of the legislation to the Regional
Transit Committee.
A motion was made by Mr. Pelz that this matter be Recommended Do Pass. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 9 - Mr. McKenna, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Irons, Ms. Lambert, Ms. Patterson, Ms. Gates, Mr. Gerend, Ms.
Schewendiman, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Butler and Ms. Carter
No: 0
Excused: 4.5 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Plackett, Mr. Putter, Mr. White, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Conlin and Ms.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0441 Mr. McKenna

AN ORDINANCE adopting 2003 Transit Program Financial Policies.
Arthur Thornbury, Committee Staff, briefed the committee on the proposed changes to the financial
policies. Rick Walsh, General Manager, Transit Division, and Jill Krecklow, Senior Budget and
Financial Analyst, Transit Division, answered questions from the members.

Mr. Spencer moved that in part V.A. of the Financial Policies the date, "by March 1st", be inserted
after the words "The Executive shall transmit". The members concurred with this amendment and
the others recommended in the staff report dated October 16, 2002.
This matter was Amended.
A motion was made by Ms. Gates that this matter be Recommended Do Pass. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 8 - Mr. McKenna, Mr. Irons, Ms. Lambert, Ms. Patterson, Ms. Gates, Mr. Gerend, Ms.
Schewendiman, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Butler and Ms. Carter
No: 0
Excused: 5.5 - Mr. Pelz, Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Plackett, Mr. Putter, Mr. White, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Conlin
and Ms. Wills

Briefing No. 2002-B0163
Transit Security
Arthur Thornbury, Committee Staff, introduced Jim Jacobson, Deputy General Manager, Transit
Division, Rick Walsh, General Manager, Transit Division, and Captain Ted Stendsland, Metro
Transit Police, King County Sheriff's Office, who briefed the committee on transit security and
answered questions from the members.

The following Metro Transit bus operators presented statements on transit security from the
perspective of the bus operators and answered questions from the members:
Gloria Acosta
Brenda O'Neal-Barton
Glen Ruth
Other Business
There was no further business to come before the committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m.


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