Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2025
Transportation, Economy, and
Environment Committee
von Reichbauer
A motion was made by Chair Dembowski that this Motion be Recommended Do
Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Balducci, Dembowski, Perry, von Reichbauer and Quinn
Discussion and Possible Action
A MOTION accepting the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) 2025 Work Plan and Budget,
prepared as the annual work plan and budget requested under Motion 14449.
Jake Tracy, Council staff, briefed the committee on the legislation and answered
questions from the members. Ross Freeman, EV Program Manager, Office of Climate,
was present to briefed the committee and answered questions from the members.
A motion was made by Chair Dembowski that this Motion be Recommended Do
Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Balducci, Dembowski, Perry, von Reichbauer and Quinn
A MOTION acknowledging receipt of the Accountability Report required by the 2023-2024 Biennial
Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 19546, Section 20, Proviso P1.
Brandi Paribello, Council staff, briefed the committee on the legislation and answered
questions from the members. Ashton Allison, Economic Development Director,
Executive Department, and Kate Becker, Creative Economy Director for the Office of
Economic Opportunity & Creative Economy (OEOCE), was present to briefed the
committee and answered questions from the members.
A motion was made by Chair Dembowski that this Motion be Recommended Do
Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Balducci, Dembowski, Perry, von Reichbauer and Quinn
AN ORDINANCE approving East Link and Downtown Redmond Link Extension Transportation Service
Changes for King County.
Balducci and Perry
Mary Bourguignon, Council staff, briefed the committee on the legislation and
answered questions from the members. Graydon Newman, Service Planning
Supervisor, Metro Transit Department and Katie Chalmers, Service Development
Managing Director, Metro Transit Department, were present to brief the committee via
PowerPoint presentation and answered questions from the members.