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King County Council meeting agenda King County Council meeting agenda
King County 1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Agenda
Metropolitan King County
Councilmembers: Larry Phillips, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Bob Ferguson, Kathy Lambert, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Steve Hammond, Larry Gossett,
Jane Hague, David W. Irons, Julia Patterson

Room 1001 January 10, 2005 1:30 P.M.

Call to Order
Roll Call
Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance
Councilmember Ferguson will lead the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Approval of Minutes of December 13, 2004
Councilmember von Reichbauer
2. Special Item
Proclaiming January as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Month in King County
Executive Sims, Chair Phillips and Councilmember Gossett
Presentation of a Recognition to the Seattle University Men's Soccer Team for Becoming the
NCAA Division II Champions
Councilmember von Reichbauer
3. Reports on Special and Outside Committees

Watershed Resource Inventory Area 7
Regional Transportation Investment District Executive Board
Board of Health
4. Plat Tracings
Councilmember Constantine
Brookland Glen - Council District 7
Aldarra Division No. 4 - Council District 3
Hamilton Place - Council District 12
Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances
Regional Policy
Councilmember Ferguson
5. Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Mr. Ferguson
AN ORDINANCE establishing the 2005 work program for the regional policy committee of
the King County council.
On 12/6/2004, the Metropolitan King County Council Introduced and Referred to Regional Policy
On 1/5/2005, the Regional Policy Committee Amended.
On 1/5/2005, the Regional Policy Committee Recommended Do Pass Substitute.
Public Hearing Required

Introduction of and Action on Emergency Ordinance
6. Proposed Ordinance No. 2005-0021 Mr. Phillips and Mr. Constantine
AN ORDINANCE authorizing a process providing a one-time opportunity to allow eligible
employees to convert accrued vacation or accumulated compensatory time, or both, to cash to
benefit the relief efforts in countries impacted by the southern Asia earthquake and tsunami on
December 26, 2004; and declaring an emergency.
Reappointment Consent Agenda - Items 7-9
Councilmember von Reichbauer
7. Proposed Motion No. 2005-0003 Mr. Pelz
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of Michael Copass, who resides in
council district five, to the King County emergency management advisory committee,
representing the EMS and Trauma Care Council.
8. Proposed Motion No. 2005-0007 Ms. Hague
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of Barb Graff, who works in council
district eleven, to the King County emergency management advisory committee, representing
cities with population over one hundred thousand.
9. Proposed Motion No. 2005-0011 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of Gennie Thompson, who resides in
council district four, to the King County emergency management advisory committee,
representing the financial community.
Hearing Examiner Consent Agenda - Item 10
Councilmember Constantine
10. Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve,
subject to conditions, reclassification of certain property located west of 468th Avenue
Southeast between Southeast 140th Street and Southeast North Bend Way as described in
department of development and environmental services file no. L03TY402 from Urban
Reserve (UR) with Potential Industrial (I) and Special District Overlay (SO-170) to Industrial
(I) with P-suffix conditions and a pre-effective condition, at the request of Puget Western; and
amending K.C.C. Title 21A, as amended, by modifying the zoning map to reflect this
On 9/27/2004, the Metropolitan King County Council Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner.
Introduction of Ordinances for First Reading and Referral

11. Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0466 Ms. Patterson
AN ORDINANCE relating to taxicab and for-hire vehicle rates; and amending Ordinance
10498, Section 95, and K.C.C. 6.64.760.
Refer to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
12. Proposed Ordinance No. 2005-0001 Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE authorizing a subdivision on certain property located between 111th Ave
SE and 112th Ave SE at SE 216th St., at the request of Bob Wenzl, Vineyard Construction,
department of development and environmental services file no. L04P0004.
Refer to Hearing Examiner
13. Proposed Ordinance No. 2005-0017 Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE authorizing a preliminary plat alteration on certain property located
immediately east of the Redmond Ridge UPD/FCC, and south of the Trilogy at Redmond
Ridge UPD (the property is bounded on the north by the PSE powerline right-of-way, on the
east by approx. 244th/248th Ave NE, if extended, and on the south by approx. NE 90th St., if
extended), at the request of Quadrant Corporation Attn: Bonnie Geers, department of
development and environmental services file no. L02UPD01.
Refer to Hearing Examiner
14. Proposed Ordinance No. 2005-0018 Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE authorizing a preliminary plat alteration on certain property located
immediately east of the Redmond Ridge UPD/FCC, and south of the Trilogy at Redmond
Ridge UPD (the property is bounded on the north by the PSE powerline right-of-way, on the
east by approx. 244th/248th Ave NE, if extended, and on the south by approx. NE 90th St., if
extended), at the request of Quadrant Corporation Attn: Bonnie Geers, department of
development and environmental services file no. L03FCC01.
Refer to Hearing Examiner
15. Proposed Ordinance No. 2005-0019 Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE authorizing a preliminary plat alteration on certain property located
immediately east of the Redmond Ridge UPD/FCC, and south of the Trilogy at Redmond
Ridge UPD (the property is bounded on the north by the PSE powerline right-of-way, on the
east by approx. 244th/248th Ave NE, if extended, and on the south by approx. NE 90th St., if
extended), at the request of Quadrant Corporation Attn: Bonnie Geers, department of
development and environmental services file no. L03P0003.
Refer to Hearing Examiner
Introduction of Motions and Referrals
16. Proposed Motion No. 2005-0002 Ms. Hague
A MOTION requesting the King County council approve a request for proposals that will offer
the real property known as the North Lake Union upper lot to the marketplace.
Refer to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee

17. Proposed Motion No. 2005-0006 Mr. McKenna
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of David Elliott, who resides in council
district six, to the King County transit advisory committee.
Refer to Transportation Committee
18. Proposed Motion No. 2005-0014 Ms. Edmonds
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Denise Turner, who resides in council
district one, to the King County emergency management advisory committee, representing the
King County Police Chiefs Association.
Refer to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
19. Proposed Motion No. 2005-0020 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION appointing Susan Rahr as King County Sheriff, in accordance with Section 680.10
of the King County Charter and RCW 36.16.110.
Refer to Committee of the Whole
Other Business


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