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King County Council meeting agenda King County Council meeting agenda
King County
1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Agenda
Committee of the Whole
Councilmembers: Larry Phillips, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Bob Ferguson, Kathy Lambert, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Steve Hammond, Larry Gossett, Jane Hague,
David W. Irons, Julia Patterson

Staff: Scott White, (296-0324), Lead Analyst; Clifton Curry, (296-0358), Analyst;
Gennevie Cook, Committee Assistant (205-5079)

Room 1001 July 19, 2004 9:30 A.M.

Call to Order
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes of July 12, 2004
2. Additions to the Council's agenda of July 19, 2004
Discussion and Possible Action
3. Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0338 Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr.
Pelz, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Gossett, Ms.
Hague, Mr. Constantine, Ms. Edmonds
and Ms. Patterson
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 14767, Section 1, and Ordinance 14767, Section 2,
proposing an amendment to the King County Charter reducing in size the King County council
from thirteen to nine members; consequently reducing council voting requirements related to
the size of the council; phasing in the reduction of council members with elections and terms of
office; reducing the size of the regional committees of the council from twelve to six members;
amending Section 220.10 of the King County Charter, Section 230.10 of the King County
Charter, Section 230.20 of the King County Charter, Section 230.30 of the King County
Charter, Section 270.20 of the King County Charter, Section 270.30 of the King County
Charter, Section 460 of the King County Charter and Section 650.10 of the King County
Charter, adding a new Section 650.40.15 to the King County Charter, adding a new Section
650.40.25 to the King County Charter, repealing Sections 650.40.10 and 650.40.20 of the King
County Charter and submitting the same to the voters of the county for their ratification or
rejection at the November 2004 general election.
Shelley Sutton, Policy Staff Director
Scott White, Council Staff
4. Proposed Motion No. 2004-0318 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION approving the final report of the King County health advisory task force.
David Randall, Council Staff
5. Briefing No. 2004-B0154
A briefing and discussion on the 2003 Apprenticeship Report.
George Northcroft, Director, Office of Business Relations & Economic Development
Ray Moser, Economic Development Manager, Office of Business Relations & Economic Development
Sandy Hanks, Contract Compliance Coordinator, Office of Business Relations & Economic Development
6. Briefing No. 2004-B0155
A briefing and discussion on the Council's pending classification and compensation project.
Shelley Sutton, Policy Staff Director
Other Business


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