King County





1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104







Meeting Proceedings








Metropolitan King County Council









Councilmembers: Larry Phillips, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Bob Ferguson, Kathy Lambert, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Steve Hammond, Larry Gossett,
Jane Hague, David W. Irons, Julia Patterson












Room 1001


March 1, 2004


1:30 P.M.


















Call to Order



The meeting was called to order at 1:39 p.m.




Roll Call



Present: Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr.
Ferguson, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine




Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance



Mr. Gossett led the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.




Approval of Minutes of February 23, 2004








Mr. von Reichbauer moved to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2004 meeting as presented.
Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.




Reports on Special and Outside Committees








Mr. Irons briefed the Council on his participation at the Annual Navy League Regional Conference
February 27-29, hosted by the
Seattle Chapter of the Navy League. The League consists of retired
members from
Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. He commented on the speakers at
the conference and indicated it was well attended.

Mr. Phillips reported on the
Cedar River Council and its purpose of focusing on enhancing the
health of the river. He indicated the council discussed the Landsburg Mine and the city of
concern regarding potential contamination from the mine. The council heard a report from a
consulting firm regarding potential damage and remedial action.

Mr. Phillips briefed the Council on the WRIA 8 Steering Committee and its work regarding salmon
recovery. The watershed work is coming to a close, and the steering committee will have a draft
plan available for public review in the spring. The committee is also considering changing its
funding regarding federal dollars and will focus on restoration not acquisition.




Special Item








Presentation of a Recognition to honor the Seattle Home Show for 60 years of operation in the
Puget Sound area



Mr. von Reichbauer read and presented a Recognition to Tara Kalian and her parents, Mike and
Pam, extending appreciation and gratitude for 60 years of operation of the Seattle Home Show in the
Puget Sound area. He also shared a photo showing President Clinton presenting the Silver
Presidential Seal Service Award to the family for their charitable work. The Seattle Home Show has
been a valuable part of our community for four generations. Tara and Mike thanked the Council.
Mr. von Reichbauer added that Joel Haggard, who passed away last year, also played a significant
role in the success of the Home Show.



Motions for Council Action




Budget and Fiscal Management








Proposed Substitute Motion No.


Mr. Phillips








A MOTION of the county council accepting bids for the county's Sewer Revenue Bonds,
Series 2004A, in the aggregate principal amount of $185,000,000 and Sewer Revenue
Refunding Bonds, Series 2004B, in the aggregate principal amount of $61,760,000, and
establishing certain terms of such bonds and a plan of refunding; all in accordance with
Ordinance 14753.












The enacted number is 11879.

Bob Cowan, Director, Finance and Business Operations, Department of Executive Services,
answered questions of the Council.
Jim Hattori, Hattori and Associates, Financial Advisor, answered questions of the Council.



A motion was made by Mr. Gossett that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:







Yes: 13 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna,
Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 0






Committee of the Whole








Proposed Motion No. 2004-0088


Ms. Lambert





A MOTION authorizing the publication and distribution of a local voters' pamphlet in
conjunction with a special election.



The enacted number is 11880.



A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by
the following vote:







Yes: 13 - Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna,
Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine
No: 0
Excused: 0










Proposed Motion No. 2004-0096


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION approving the initial findings of the health advisory task force that endorse the
county's direction to achieve quality of care and cost containment in King County's
employee benefit plan.



Proposed Motion 2004-0096 remains in Committee-of-the-Whole.














Introduction of Ordinances for First Reading and Referral








Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0094


Mr. Constantine





AN ORDINANCE authorizing the county executive to enter into amended interlocal
cooperation agreements with jurisdictions participating in the King County Community
Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Programs.



Introduced and Referred to Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee








Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0098


Ms. Edmonds





AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to enter into an interlocal cooperation
agreement for open space acquisition projects with the city of Kenmore, for the Swamp
Creek Floodplain acquisition project authorized by Ordinance 14409.



Introduced and Referred to Natural Resources and Utilities Committee








Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0112


Mr. Hammond





AN ORDINANCE relating to no shooting areas, establishing a "no shooting" area within
the Ravensdale voting precinct; and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 12.68.



Introduced and Referred to Law, Justice and Human Services Committee



Introduction of Motions and Referrals








Proposed Motion No. 2004-0030


Ms. Edmonds





A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Nancy Holland-Young, who resides
in council district one, to the King County housing authority advisory board of



Introduced and Referred to Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee








Proposed Motion No. 2004-0097


Ms. Edmonds





A MOTION authorizing the publication and distribution of a local voters' pamphlet in
conjunction with a special election.



Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee



Other Business






The meeting was adjourned at 2:07 p.m.