Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2023
Government Accountability and
Oversight Committee
Discussion and Possible Action
AN ORDINANCE related to the King County International Airport/Boeing Field roundtable; amending
Ordinance 12785, Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 15.94.010 and Ordinance 12785, Section 3, as
amended, and K.C.C. 15.94.030 and Ordinance 12785, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 15.94.050,
and adding a new section to K.C.C. 15.08.
Brandi Paribello, Council staff, briefed the committee and answered questions from
the members.
Councilmember Upthegrove moved approval of Striking Amendment S2.
Councilmember Upthegrove moved Amendment 1. The amendment was adopted.
Councilmember Upthegrove offered a friendly amendment to Striking Amendment S2
to replace the language beginning on page 6, line 127 after the words, "appointment
by," through line 131 to read, "the executive in consultation with the elected
representative or representatives of the community's respective county council district
or districts and approved by motion of the county council and may be reappointed by
the executive in consultation with the elected representative or representatives of the
community's respective county council district or districts to serve up to two full
consecutive terms, subject to confirmation by the council by motion." Vice Chair
McDermott accepted the friendly amendment. Striking Amendment S2, as amended,
was adopted. Vice Chair McDermott moved approval of Title Amendment T2. The
amendment was adopted.
A motion was made by Vice Chair McDermott that this Ordinance be
Recommended Do Pass Substitute. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - Kohl-Welles, McDermott, Upthegrove and von Reichbauer
The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 AM.