Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Committee of the Whole Agenda status: Final Without Extra Items
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 9:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-0011 15MotionA MOTION confirming the appointment of Aaron Parker as director of the community corrections division within the department of adult and juvenile detention.   Not available Not available
2025-0072 16MotionA MOTION appointing a qualified person to a vacant position on the fire district No. 47 board of commissioners.   Not available Not available
2024-0387 17OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE relating to wineries, breweries, distilleries, and remote tasting rooms; amending Ordinance 1888, Article III, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 6.01.150, Ordinance 10870, Section 336, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.08.070, Ordinance 10870, Section 335, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.08.080, Ordinance 10870, Section 336, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.08.090, Ordinance 10870, Section 407, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.18.030, Ordinance 10870, Section 536, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.30.080, Ordinance 15606, Section 20, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.30.085, Ordinance 10870, Section 537, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.30.090, Ordinance 10870, Section 547, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.32.100, Ordinance 10870, Section 548, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.32.110, Ordinance 10870, Section 549, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.32.120, Ordinance 13623, Section 37, as amended, and K.C.C. 23.32.010, adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 21A.06, repealing Ordinance 19030, Section 3, Ordinance 19030, Section 4, and K.C.C. 6.74.010, Ordinance 19030, Section 5, and K.C.C. 6.74.020, Ordinance 19030, Section 6, and K.C.   Not available Not available
2025-0020 18MotionA MOTION relating to public transportation, requesting the executive to fully engage on a regional task force on transit safety and security to address public safety in the communities in which the King County Metro transit department operates.   Not available Not available
2025-0073 19OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the King County Doors Open Program implementation plan, required by Ordinance 19710, Section 9; amending Ordinance 19868, Section 1, as amended, and repealing Ordinance 19868, Attachment B.   Not available Not available
2025-B0029 110BriefingFederal Funding Risk Assessment Briefing   Not available Not available