Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Metropolitan King County Council Agenda status: Final Without Extra Items
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-0048 17OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE adopting the revision of voting precincts of King County for the year 2025.   Not available Not available
2024-0382 18MotionA MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Velma Veloria, who resides in council district two, to the King County International Airport roundtable, as the Beacon Hill community representative.   Not available Not available
2025-0072 19MotionA MOTION appointing a qualified person to a vacant position on the fire district No. 47 board of commissioners.   Not available Not available
2025-0026 110MotionA MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of Carol Goertzel, who resides in council district eight, to the King County children and youth advisory board.   Not available Not available
2025-0076 111OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE relating to records management, requiring the retention of public records created on county instant messaging platforms; adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 2.12 and establishing an effective date.   Not available Not available
2025-0078 112OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE approving and adopting two memoranda of agreement negotiated by and between King County and the Juvenile Division Supervisors bargaining unit, representing supervisors in the juvenile division of the department of adult and juvenile detention and establishing the effective date of the agreements.   Not available Not available
2025-0079 113OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE approving and adopting two memoranda of agreement negotiated by and between King County and the Juvenile Division Supervisors bargaining unit, representing supervisors in the juvenile division of the department of adult and juvenile detention and establishing the effective date of the agreements.   Not available Not available
2025-0074 114MotionA MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Asia Tail, who resides in council district five, to the King County cultural development authority (4Culture), as an executive at-large representative.   Not available Not available
2025-0077 115MotionA MOTION related to a property tax levy for 2026 through 2031 for the purpose of: maintaining and operating King County's open space system; improving parks, recreation, access, and mobility in the King County open space system by acquiring lands and continuing to develop regional trails; improving parks and trails in and acquiring lands by metropolitan parks districts, towns, and cities in King County; funding environmental education, maintenance, and conservation programs at the Woodland Park Zoo; funding environmental education, maintenance and conservation programs at the Seattle Aquarium; funding development, maintenance, and programming for Seattle Waterfront park; and funding for capital improvements at publicly owned pools, for all King County residents.   Not available Not available