File #: 2024-0279    Version:
Type: Motion Status: Passed
File created: 9/3/2024 In control: Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
On agenda: Final action: 11/12/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #: 16690
Title: A MOTION requesting the executive develop a regional workforce housing initiative implementation plan.
Sponsors: Girmay Zahilay, Rod Dembowski, Teresa Mosqueda, Jorge L. BarĂ³n
Indexes: Executive, Housing
Attachments: 1. Motion 16690, 2. 2024-0279 Title Amendment T1, 3. 2024-0279 Amendment 1, 4. 2024-0279 SR Housing Debt Capacity 9-11-24, 5. 2024-0279 SR Workforce Housing Initiative 10-29_24, 6. 2024-0279_ATT2 AMD S1_Zahilay, 7. 2024-0279_ATT3 AMD T1_Zahilay, 8. 2023-0279.1_Amendment Tracker, 9. 2024-0279_AMD1toS1_initiativetiming_Balducci, 10. 2024-0279_AMD2toS1_definition_Perry, 11. 2024-0279_AMD3toS1_acquisitionfunding_Mosqueda, 12. 2024-0279_AMD4toS1_flexibility_Balducci, 13. 2024-0279_Revised SR_Workforce Housing Initiative
Staff: Sanders, April
A MOTION requesting the executive develop a regional workforce housing initiative implementation plan.
WHEREAS, the Countywide Planning Policies define workforce housing as "housing that is affordable to households with one or more workers [...with a] particular need for workforce housing that is reasonably close to regional and sub-regional job centers and/or easily accessible by public transportation," and
WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policy H-15 aims to increase housing choices for everyone, particularly those earning lower wages, that is colocated with, accessible to, or within a reasonable commute to major employment centers and affordable to all income levels, and
WHEREAS, King County established the regional affordable housing task force in 2017 through Motion 14873, with the charge to develop a recommended countywide affordable housing strategy, and
WHEREAS, the regional affordable housing task force's five-year action plan, accepted through Motion 15372, includes census data that showed that more than one hundred twenty-four thousand low- and moderate-income households in King County are cost burdened, with communities of color and renters disproportionately likely to be severely cost burdened, and
WHEREAS, the regional affordable housing task force's five-year action plan includes a goal to strive to eliminate cost burden for households earning eighty percent area median income and below, with a priority for serving households at or below fifty percent area median income, and
WHEREAS, King County currently has approximately nine billion dollars of debt capacity, and
WHEREAS, the King County council believes that people should be able to live close to where they work, which helps with climate, congestion, morale, and sense of community, and
WHEREAS, households are sometimes forced to relocate due to increased housing costs, evictions, or the loss of neighborhood community connections, and
WHEREAS, the King County council believes tha...

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