Clerk 05/06/2010
A MOTION requesting the President of the United States, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Director of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum to allocate one of three space shuttles the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is taking out of service next year to the Museum of Flight.
WHEREAS, the Museum of Flight has been a significant national resource for historic preservation of aviation since 1964, when the Pacific Northwest Aviation Historical Foundation was established with the twin goals of saving significant aircraft and related artifacts and educating the public in terms of their importance, and
WHEREAS, the museum today holds one of the largest and most comprehensive air and space collections in the United States, containing millions of rare photographs and negatives, a world-class library, tens of thousands of artifacts and over one hundred fifty rare aircraft and space vehicles, and
WHEREAS, the Red Barn®, the birthplace of the Boeing Company, was saved from demolition on its original location on the Duwamish river, and floated by river barge to its current location at the Museum of Flight. The Red Barn® was restored in 1983 and became the first permanent location for the Museum of Flight, joined by the Great Gallery in 1987, the Library and Archives Building in 2002 and the J. Elroy McCaw Personal Courage Wing and Airpark in 2004, and
WHEREAS, the Museum of Flight's fundamental goals are to acquire and preserve a wide array of materials and artifacts relating to aviation and space history and to provide a center for the scholarly research of these materials and artifacts, and
WHEREAS, exhibits are artifact-based for credibility, professionally researched and designed according to a carefully thought-out comprehensive storyline, based on the central theme of "mankind's dream of flying" and the Pacific Northwest region's critical contributions to commercial aviation, jet flight and manned space flight, and
WHEREAS, the Museum of Flight serves as a resource to the public schools, with ongoing youth programs designed to complement established schoolroom curricula, foster interest in math and science, through factual and interactive exhibits, education events and symposia; and
WHEREAS, the museum's extensive collection of historic photographs, books and precious papers are used by scholars for historic and scientific research in aeronautical technology, and
WHEREAS, both the governor and Legislature of Washington state have included three million dollars in the state's capital budget for development of a space gallery to house the space shuttle and other space-exploration artifacts, and
WHEREAS, the space gallery would be built across the street from the current museum, and almost eight million of the twelve million dollars needed to complete the project has already been raised, and architectural work on the building has begun to meet the required completion date to qualify for a shuttle of July 2011, and
WHEREAS, the Museum of Flight is an important attraction for guests to Washington state. More than fifty million tourist trips help sustain Washington's economy, and the travel industry is the fourth largest business sector in the state. Travel spending in Washington state directly supports about one hundred forty-four thousand one hundred jobs with wages of three billion nine hundred million dollars annually, and
WHEREAS, the Museum of Flight has received letters of endorsement from Governor Chris Gregoire, all the members of the Washington congressional delegation and many educational institutions in support of the allocation of a space shuttle;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The King County council respectfully represents and petitions to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States, the Honorable Charles F. Bolden, Jr., Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and John R. Dailey, Director of the
Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum to allocate one of the three space shuttles soon to be decommissioned for permanent display at the Museum of Flight.