File #: 2024-0013    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/23/2024 In control: Health, Housing, and Human Services Committee
On agenda: Final action: 7/16/2024
Enactment date: 7/26/2024 Enactment #: 19787
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to the King County behavioral health advisory board; empowering the King County behavioral health advisory board to be the advisory body for the crisis care centers levy; and amending Ordinance 18170, Section 1, and K.C.C. 2A.300.050.
Sponsors: Girmay Zahilay
Indexes: Behavioral, Crisis Connections, Crisis Intervention Program, Health, levy
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 19787, 2. 2024-0013 Transmittal Letter, 3. 2024-0013 fiscal note, 4. 2024-0013 Legislative Review Form, 5. 2024-0013_SR_CCC-Advisory-Body, 6. ATT2_AMDS1_CCC-Advisory-Body_4.19.2024 bar, 7. ATT5_AMDS1_TechStriker-REDLINED
Related files: 2015-0407
Staff: Bailey, Melissa
Clerk 06/13/2024
AN ORDINANCE relating to the King County behavioral health advisory board; empowering the King County behavioral health advisory board to be the advisory body for the crisis care centers levy; and amending Ordinance 18170, Section 1, and K.C.C. 2A.300.050.
1. On February 9, 2023, King County enacted Ordinance 19572 to provide for the submission of the crisis care centers levy to the voters of King County.
2. King County voters considered the levy as Proposition No. 1 as part of the April 25, 2023, special election, and fifty-seven percent of voters approved it.
3. The passage of Proposition No. 1 authorized the crisis care centers levy that will raise proceeds from 2024 to 2032 to create a regional network of five crisis care centers, restore and expand residential treatment capacity, and increase the sustainability and representativeness of the behavioral health workforce in King County.
4. Ordinance 19572, Section 7.B., requires the executive to establish an advisory body for the crisis care centers levy. Ordinance 19572 allows for the advisory body to be a preexisting King County board that has relevant expertise.
5. The executive's proposed crisis care centers levy implementation plan, required by Ordinance 19572, recommends the behavioral health advisory board to serve as the advisory body for the levy and to advise the executive and the council on matters pertaining to implementation of the levy.
6. In 2019, the Washington state Legislature passed Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 5432. The bill became Chapter 325, Laws of Washington 2019 and is codified at chapter 71.24 RCW. The act established behavioral health administrative services organizations as entities that contract with the state health care authority to administer regional behavioral health services and programs, including crisis services and administration of the state's involuntary treatment act. King County, through th...

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