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AN ORDINANCE related to comprehensive planning; amending Ordinance 11955, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.16.055, Ordinance 8300, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.48.030, Ordinance 18326, Section 3, and K.C.C. 6.70.010, Ordinance 18326, Section 4, and K.C.C. 6.70.020, Ordinance 18326, Section 5, and K.C.C. 6.70.030, Ordinance 18326, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C. 6.70.040, Ordinance 18326, Section 8, as amended, and K.C.C. 6.70.060, Ordinance 18326, Section 9, and K.C.C. 6.70.070, Ordinance 9163, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 9.04.020, Ordinance 9163, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 9.04.060, Ordinance 13625, Section 22, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.035, Ordinance 1709, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.090, Ordinance 11616, Section 10, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.132, Ordinance 18420, Section 37, and K.C.C. 14.01.360, Ordinance 18420, Section 61, as amended, and K.C.C. 14.40.0104, Ordinance 8421, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 14.56.020, Ordinance 8421, Secti...
Comprehensive Plan
1. Ordinance 19881 with Attachments A-J, 2. A. 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan, Adopted December 10, 2024, 3. B. Appenix A Capital Facilities and Utilities, December 2024, 4. C. Appendix B Housing Needs Assessment, December 2024, 5. D. Appendix C Transortation, December 2024, 6. E. Appendix C1 Transportation Needs Report, December 2024, 7. F. Appendix C2 Regional Trail Needs Report, December 2024, 8. G. Apendix D1 Growth Targets and the Urban Growth Area, December 2024, 9. H. Amendmewnts to Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area Subarea Plan, As Amended, December 2024, 10. I. Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments, December 2024, 11. J. Snoqualmie Valley-Northeast King County Subarea Plan, December 2024, 12. 2023-0440 Title Amendment T2, 13. 2023-0440 Striking Amendment S1, 14. 2023-0440 Amendment 16, 15. 2023-0440 Amendment 15, 16. 2023-0440 Amendment 14, 17. 2023-0440 Amendment 13, 18. 2023-0440 Amendment 12, 19. 2023-0440 Amendment 11c, 20. 2023-0440 Amendment 10, 21. 2023-0440 Amendment 7A, 22. 2023-0440 Amendment 6, 23. 2023-0440 Amendment 5, 24. 2023-0440 Amendment 4, 25. 2023-0440 Amendment 3.5, 26. 2023-0440 Amendment 3, 27. 2023-0440 Amendment 2, 28. 2023-0440 Amendment 1B, 29. A. 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan, June 2024, 30. B. Appendix A Capital Facilities and Utilities, June 2024, 31. C. Appendix B Housing Needs Assessment, June 2024, 32. D. Appendix C Transportation, June 2024, 33. E. Appendix C1 Transportation Needs Report, June 2024, 34. F. Appendix C2 Regional Trail Needs Report, June 2024, 35. G Appendix D1 Growth Targets and the Urban Growth Area, June 2024, 36. H . Amendments to Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area Subarea Plan, As Amended, June 2024, 37. I. Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments, June 2024, 38. J. Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County Subarea Plan, June 2024, 39. A. 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan, 40. B. Appendix A Capital Facilities and Utilities, 41. C. Appendix B Housing Needs Assessment, 42. D. Appendix C Transportation, 43. E. Appendix C1 Transportation Needs Report, 44. F. Appendix C2 Regional Trail Needs Report, 45. G Appendix D1 Growth Targets and the Urban Growth Area, 46. H . Amendments to Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area Subarea Plan, As Amended, 47. I. Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments, 48. J. Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County Subarea Plan, 49. 2024-0440 CAO-transmittal-letter, 50. 2024-0440 2024 KCCP BAS Report-FINAL-022724, 51. 2024-0440 2024 KCCP CAO I-207-030124, 52. 2024-0440 2024 KCCP CAO Comp Plan Updates-030124, 53. 2024-0440 2024 KCCP CAO Code Updates-030124, 54. 2023-0440 transmittal letter, 55. 2023-0440 Carnation Urban Growth Area Exchange Area Zoning and Land Use Study 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan, December 2023, 56. 2023-0440 Maple Valley Industrial Area Zoning and Land Use Study 2024 King County Comprehsenive Plan, December 2023, 57. 2023-0440 Kent Pet Cemetery Area Zoning and Land Use Study 2024 King County Comprehsenive Plan, December 2023, 58. 2023-0440 Snoqualmie Interchange Area Zoning and Land Use Study 2024 King County Comprehsenive Plan, December 2023, 59. 2023-0440 Sustainable Communities and Housing Projects Demonstration Project Area Zoning and Land Use Study 2024 King County Comprehsenive Plan, December 2023, 60. 2023-0440 Middle Housing Code Study 2024 King County Comprehsenive Plan, December 2023, 61. 2023-0440 Vashon-Maury Island P-Suffix Conditions Report, December 2023, 62. 2023-0440 Vashon Rural Town Affordable Housing Special District Overlay Final Evaluation, 63. 2023-0440 Update on Best Available Science and Critical Areas Ordinance Review 2024 King County Comprehsenive Plan, December 2023, 64. 2023-0440 Black Diamond Fire Station Area Zoning and Land Use Study 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan, December 2023, 65. 2023-0440 Equity Analysis, December 2023, 66. 2023-0440 I-207 Analysis 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan, December 2023, 67. 2023-0440 Public Notice of Intent to Amend, 68. 2023-0440 Public Participation Summary, 69. 2023-0440 Summary of Proposed Ordinance relating to, 70. 2023-0440 fiscal note, 71. 2023-0440 Legislative Review Form, 72. Acknowledge-Letter-2023-S-6695, 73. Committee Schedule12-15-23, 74. Council Community Outreach Plan Summary, 75. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated011724_KCCP, 76. DraftEIS12-07-23, 77. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated011824_KCCP, 78. 2023-0440_MapAmendments_JanuaryLSLU, 79. 2023-0440_MapAmendments_JanuaryLSLU, 80. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated020724_KCCP, 81. ATT1_CommitteeSchedule01-29-24, 82. ATT2_2023-0440_Chapter1, 83. ATT3_Chapter1StaffAnalysis, 84. ATT4_2023-0440_Chapter 2, 85. ATT5_Chapter2StaffAnalysis, 86. 2023-B0022,-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated020824_KCCP, 87. 2023-0440_PPT for 2-7-24, 88. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated022124_KCCP, 89. Att2_2023-0440_Chapter5, 90. Att3_Chapter5StaffAnalysis, 91. Att4_2023-0440_Chapter6, 92. Att5_Chapter 6StaffAnalysis, 93. PPT for 2-21-24, 94. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated030624_KCCP, 95. 2023-0440_ATT2_Chapter4, 96. 2023-0440_ATT3_Chapter4StaffAnalysis, 97. 2023-B0022,-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated030724_KCCP, 98. ATT3_Ord19527Excerpt, 99. 2023-0440_PPT_3-6-24_CH4, 100. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated032024_KCCP, 101. 2023-0440_ATT1_CommitteeSchedule3-4-24, 102. 2023-0440_ATT2_Chapter 3, 103. 2023-0440_ATT3_Chapter3StaffAnalysis, 104. 2023-0440_ATT4_PPTfor3-20-24, 105. 2023-0438-0439-0440_SRdated04032024_KCCP, 106. 2023-0440_ATT1_CommitteeSchedule3-4-24, 107. 2023-0440_ATT2_Chapter7, 108. 2023-0440_ATT3_Chapter7Staff Analysis, 109. 2023-0440_ATT4_Chapter8, 110. 2023-0440_ATT5_Chapter8Staff Analysis, 111. 2023-0440_ATT6_AppendixC, 112. 2023-0440_ATT7_Appendix C1, 113. 2023-0440_ATT8_AppendixC2, 114. 2023-0440_ATT9_PPTfor4-3-24, 115. 2023-B0048,-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated040424_KCCP, 116. 2023-0440_ATT1_CommitteeSchedule3-4-24, 117. 2023-0440_ATT2_AttachmentH, 118. 2023-0440_ATT3_AttachmentI, 119. 2023-0440_ATT4_VashonP-suffixreport, 120. 2023-0440_ATT5_VashonRuralTownSDOEval, 121. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated04172024_KCCP, 122. 2023-0440_ATT1_CommitteeSchedule3-4-24, 123. 2023-0440_ATT2_Chapter9, 124. 2023-0440_ATT3_Chapter9StaffAnalysis, 125. 2023-0440_ATT4_AppendixA, 126. 2023-0440_ATT5_Chapter10, 127. 2023-0440_ATT6_Chapter10StaffAnalysis, 128. 2023-0440_ATT7_Chapter12, 129. 2023-0440_ATT8_Chapter12StaffAnalysis, 130. 2023-0438_ATT9_ProposedOrdinancewAttachment, 131. 2023-0440_ATT10_Chapter 2, 132. 2023-0438,-0440_ATT11_Four-to-OneStaffAnalysis, 133. 2023-0440_ATT12_ProposedOrdinance, 134. 2023-0440_ATT13_ProposedOrdinanceStaffAnalysis, 135. 2023-0440_ATT14_CAOPolicies, 136. 2023-0440_ATT15_CAOPoliciesStaffAnalysis, 137. 2023-0440_ATT16_PPTfor4-17-24, 138. 2023-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated05152024_KCCP, 139. 2023-0440_ATT1_CommitteeSchedule3-4-24, 140. 2023-B0059,-0438,-0439,-0440_SRdated51624_KCCP, 141. 1_2023-0438-0440_S1_Summary, 142. 2_2023-0440_S1_clean, 143. 3_2023-0440_S1_ATTA_clean, 144. 4_2023-0440_S1_ATTB_clean, 145. 5_2023-0440_S1_ATTC_clean, 146. 6_2023-0440_S1_ATTD_clean, 147. 7_2023-0440_S1_ATTE_clean, 148. 8_2023-0440_S1_ATTF_clean, 149. 9_2023-0440_S1_ATTG_clean, 150. 10_2023-0440_S1_ATTH_clean, 151. 11_2023-0440_S1_ATTI_clean, 152. 20_2023-0440_S1_ATTE_redline, 153. 21_2023-0440_S1_ATTF_redline, 154. 22_2023-0440_S1_ATTG_redline, 155. 23_2023-0440_S1_ATTH_redline, 156. 24_2023-0440_S1_ATTI_redline, 157. 25_2023-0440_S1_ATTJ_redline, 158. 15_2023-0440_S1_redline, 159. 16_2023-0440_S1_ATTA_redline, 160. 17_2023-0440_S1_ATTB_redline, 161. 18_2023-0440_S1_ATTC_redline, 162. 19_2023-0440_S1_ATTD_redline, 163. 2023-0438-0440_S1_Summary_updated5-16-24, 164. 2023-0438,-0440_SRdated06052024_KCCP, 165. 00a Striking Amendment S1_clean, 166. 001-AttachmentA_05142024_clean, 167. AttachmentB-05142024_clean, 168. AttachmentC-05142024_clean, 169. AttachmentD-05142024_clean, 170. AttachmentE-05142024_clean, 171. AttachmentF-05142024_clean, 172. AttachmentG-05142024_clean, 173. AttachmentH-05142024_clean, 174. AttachmentI-05142024_clean, 175. AttachmentJ-05142024_clean, 176. 2023-0440_Att3_T1, 177. 2023-0438-0440_Att4_S1Summary_updated5-16-24, 178. 2023-0439-0440_Att5_CommitteeSchedule-updated 3-4-24, 179. 2023-0438-0440_S1_Summary_updated5-31-24, 180. KCCP - Line Amendment Tracker 06-05-24, 181. 2023-0440_AMD1_Technical bar, 182. 2023-0440_AMD2_Daycares bar, 183. 2023-0440_AMD3_Animal Shelters, 184. 2023-0440_AMD4_Vashon Rural Town Height, 185. 2023-0440_AMD5_White Center Upper Setbacks bar, 186. 2023-0440_AMD6 North Highline Design Standards bar, 187. 2023-0440_AMD7_Derelict Properties, 188. 2023-0440_AMD8_Universal Design bar, 189. 2023-0440_AMD9_FFF bar, 190. 2023-0440_AMD10_Mineral Resources bar, 191. 2023-0440_AMD11_Environment, 192. 2023-0440_AMD12_Green Jobs, 193. 2023-0440_AMD13_Climate Resilience Hubs bar, 194. 2023-0440_AMD14_Shorelines, 195. 2023-0440_AMD15_Transportation, 196. 2023-0440_AMD15A_Transportation-clean, 197. 2023-0440_AMD16_Essential Public Facilities, 198. 2023-0440_AMD17_Innovative Wastewater Technologies, 199. 2023-0440_AMD18_Public Participation, 200. 2023-0440_AMD19_Stormwater Regulation Streamlining, 201. 2023-0440_AMD20_Vashon Water District, 202. 2023-0440_AMD21_Density Near Urban Parks, 203. 2023-0440_AMD22_SplitR1-R4zoning bar, 204. 2023-0440_T1_Title Amd, 205. 2023-0440_AMDT2_Title Amd for AMD 6 NH Design Standards, 206. 2023-0438,-0440_Revised_SR_KCCP, 207. 2023-0438 & 2023-0440 - Voice of the Valley - Invoice No. 23777 - $2,470.00, 208. 2023-0438 & 2023-0440 El Mundo Invoice No. 9742 - $95.00, 209. 2023-0438 & 2023-0440 Eastside Media Corp - Invoice #5917 - $1,638.00, 210. 0136 REPORT - Best Available Science Review and Updates to Critical Areas Protections, 211. KC_CompPlan_Final_EIS_11-2024, 212. Acknowledge-Letter-2025-S-8032
Drafter Clerk 12/16/2024 Title AN ORDINANCE related to comprehensive planning; amending Ordinance 11955, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.16.055, Ordinance 8300, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.48.030, Ordinance 18326, Section 3, and K.C.C. 6.70.010, Ordinance 18326, Section 4, and K.C.C. 6.70.020, Ordinance 18326, Section 5, and K.C.C. 6.70.030, Ordinance 18326, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C. 6.70.040, Ordinance 18326, Section 8, as amended, and K.C.C. 6.70.060, Ordinance 18326, Section 9, and K.C.C. 6.70.070, Ordinance 9163, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 9.04.020, Ordinance 9163, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 9.04.060, Ordinance 13625, Section 22, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.035, Ordinance 1709, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.090, Ordinance 11616, Section 10, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.132, Ordinance 18420, Section 37, and K.C.C. 14.01.360, Ordinance 18420, Section 61, as amended, and K.C.C. 14.40.0104, Ordinance 8421, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 14.56.020, Ordinance 8421, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 14.56.030, Ordinance 1488, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 16.82.020, Ordinance 15053, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 16.82.051, Ordinance 1488, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 16.82.060, Ordinance 12560, Section 148, as amended, and K.C.C. 17.04.200, Ordinance 12560, Section 149, as amended, and K.C.C. 17.04.280, Ordinance 16147, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 18.17.010, Ordinance 19402, Section 8, and K.C.C. 18.17.050, Ordinance 17270, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 18.25.010, Ordinance 17971, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 28.30.030, Ordinance 13694, Section 5, and K.C.C. 19A.04.030, Ordinance 17841, Section 1, and K.C.C. 19A.04.205, Ordinance 13694, as amended, and K.C.C. 19A.04.310, Ordinance 13694, Section 42, as amended, and K.C.C. 19A.08.070, Ordinance 13694, Section 56, as amended, and K.C.C. 19A.12.020, Ordinance 13694, Section 57, as amended, and K.C.C 19A.12.030, Ordinance 13694, Section 80, as... Click here for full text