A MOTION confirming the King County board of health's reappointment of Lisa Chew to serve as a representative of public health, facilities, and providers for a three-year term to expire on December 31, 2026.
WHEREAS, Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1152 was signed into law in May 2021 as Chapter 205, Laws of Washington 2021, modifying the structure of local boards of health to require an equal number of elected to nonelected members, with one of the nonelected members to be selected by the American Indian Health Commission for Washington state and the remaining members selected by the King County board of health from three specific categories of interests: public health, health care facilities, and providers; consumers of public health; and other community stakeholders, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 205, Laws of Washington 2021, the Washington state Board of Health adopted chapter 246-90 WAC, the King County council amended King County Code to reflect the new state law, and the King County board of health amended Board of Health Code to reflect those changes, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with K.C.C. 2.35.024.D., the board adopted Resolution 23-05, dated October 19, 2023, identifying these nonelected member candidates for appointment and subsequently transmitted the requisite materials to the King County council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The King County board of health's reappointment of Lisa Chew to serve as a representative of public health, facilities, and providers for a three-year term to expire on December 31, 2026, is hereby confirmed.