Clerk 10/18/2023
A MOTION authorizing the King County executive to accept a donation of three parcels on Vashon Island, WA, appraised at seventy-five thousand dollars, for habitat conservation and land stewardship purposes.
WHEREAS, King County seeks to protect open space for the benefit of people and the environment, and
WHEREAS, the donation of three parcels along Mileta creek on Vashon Island, WA, will help preserve a riparian corridor that is home to bird, mammalian, and fish species, and
WHEREAS, K.C.C. chapter 7.08 provides that the King County parks and recreation division of the department of natural resources and parks has the authority to accept gifts and donations from the general and business communities and all other persons to King County of or in support of parks and recreation facilities and programs, and
WHEREAS, under K.C.C. 2.80.060, any and all gifts for parks and recreation purposes that exceed fifty thousand dollars require acceptance on behalf of King County by the King County council by motion, and
WHEREAS, the owner of the three parcels, Vashon Park District, would like to make the donation to King County so that the land is protected for habitat conservation, and
WHEREAS, King County has negotiated a donation agreement with Vashon Park District, which will improve the stewardship of these properties in coordination with the neighboring King County Maury Island Marine Park;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The King County executive is authorized to accept the donation of three parcels of land valued at seventy-five thousand dollars from Vashon Park District, consistent with the Vashon Mileta Creek Natural Area Real Estate Donation Agreement attached to this motion as Attachment A to this motion. The open space acquisition unit, within the
water and land resources division of the department of natural resources and parks, is authorized to execute such other documents as are necessary to complete the transaction.