File #: 2023-0355    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 10/17/2023 In control: Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
On agenda: Final action: 12/5/2023
Enactment date: 12/18/2023 Enactment #: 19712
Title: AN ORDINANCE making a net supplemental appropriation of $16,521,000 to various general fund agencies, a net supplemental appropriation of $299,051,225 to various non-general fund agencies and a net supplemental appropriation of $369,034,702 from various capital fund budgets; and amending the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 19546, Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 21, 26, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 34, 35, 36, 42, 42, 43, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 61, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72, 72, 79, 80, 81, 83, 83, 87, 89, 90, 91, 91, 94, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 116, 121, 121, 122, 129, and 129, as amended, and Attachment A, as amended, and adding new section to Ordinance 19546.
Sponsors: Joe McDermott
Indexes: Funds
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 19712, 2. 2023-0355 Amendment 9, 3. 2023-0355 Amendment 8, 4. 2023-0355 Amendment 7A, 5. 2023-0355 Amendment 7B, 6. 2023-0355 Amendment 6, 7. 2023-0355 Amendment 1, 8. A. Capital Improvement Program dated 11-22-2023, 9. A. Capital Improvement Program Dated 9/22/2023, 10. 2023-0355 transmittal letter, 11. 2023-0355 Legislative Review Form, 12. 2023-0355 2023-24 2nd OMNIBUS OPERATING CROSSWALK, 13. 2023-0355 F1070_DDECS_FinPlan2ndOmnibus, 14. 2023-0355 F1120_DCHS_BH_2ndOmnibusFinPlan, 15. 2023-0355 F1135_DCHS_MIDD_FinPlan2ndOmnibus, 16. 2023-0355 F1210_WLRDSharedServices_FinPlan2ndOmnibus, 17. 2023-0355 F1600_DNRPAdmin_2ndOmnibusFinPlan, 18. 2023-0355 F3151 Capital Financial Plan 2nd Omnibus, 19. 2023-0355 F3230_DPH_IT_Capital_2023-2024_2ndOmnibusFinPlan, 20. 2023-0355 F3280_GFITFund_2ndOmnibusFinPlan, 21. 2023-0355 F3380_KCIA_CIP_FinPlan_2023_2024, 22. 2023-0355 F3581_ParksCIP_2ndOmnibusFinPlan, 23. 2023-0355 F3641_MTD_2ndOmnibus_FinPlan, 24. 2023-0355 F3771_KCIT_CIP_Fin_Plan_2023_2nd Omnibus, 25. 2023-0355 F3781_KCIT-CIP-Fin-Plan-2023-2nd-Omnibus, 26. 2023-0355 F3855_Roads_Major_Maint_ 2023-2024 Capital Financial Plan_, 27. 2023-0355 F4290_KCIA_2ndOmnibusFinPlan, 28. 2023-0355 F5520_ORMS_2ndOmnibusFinPlan, 29. 2023-0355_SR_2023_2nd Omnibus_10-25-23, 30. 2023-0355 ATT5_General Fund Financial Plan, dated October 6, 2023, 31. 2023-0355_SR_2023_2nd Omnibus_11-8-23, 32. 2023-0355_SR_2023_2nd Omnibus_11-22, 33. 2023-0355_ATT2 AMD S1_Striking_2ndOmnibusFINAL 11-22-23, 34. 2023-0355_ATT2A Capital Improvement Program dated 11-22-2023, 35. 2023-0355_ATT3 AMD T1_2ndOmnibusFINAL 11-22-23, 36. 2023-0355.1_Amendment Tracker for 11.22 BFM, 37. 2023-0355_AMD1toS1_Council-CSO_D4CSO bar, 38. 2023-0355_AMD2toS1_PSB_GunViolenceProviso, 39. 2023-0355_AMD3toS1_KCSO_Gun Buy-Back_FINAL, 40. 2023-0355_AMD4toS1_RALS_taxicontractsFINAL, 41. 2023-0355_AMD5toS1_RiskMgmt-PAO-DOA-Elections_RecordsManagementProvisoFINAL, 42. 2023-0355_AMD6toS1_SC_JPCs, 43. 2023-0355_AMD7toS1_EER_RCP, 44. 2023-0355_AMD8toS1_DPD_Assigned Counsel, 45. 2023-0355_AMD9toS1_VSHSL_D9councilmanicFINAL, 46. 2023-0355_AMD10toS1_PublicHealth_GunViolenceER_mc bar, 47. 2023-0355_S1_StrikingAMD_2ndOmnibusFINAL 11-22-23, 48. 2023-0355_T2_TitleAMD_2ndOmnibus_FINAL, 49. 2023-0355_RevisedSR_2023_2nd Omnibus_11-22-23, 50. 2023-0355 Amendment 10, 51. 2023-0355 Amendment 11, 52. 2023-0355 Amendment 12, 53. 2023-0355 Title Amendment T1, 54. 2023-0355 Amendment 2A, 55. 2023-0355 Amendment 2B, 56. 2023-0355 Amendment 3, 57. 2023-0355 Amendment 4, 58. 2023-0355 Amendment 5
Related files: 2024-0329, 2024-RPT0100, 2024-0296, 2024-RPT0116, 2024-0258, 2024-RPT0020
Staff: Sanders, April


AN ORDINANCE making a net supplemental appropriation of $16,521,000 to various general fund agencies, a net supplemental appropriation of $299,051,225 to various non-general fund agencies and a net supplemental appropriation of $369,034,702 from various capital fund budgets; and amending the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 19546, Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 21, 26, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 34, 35, 36, 42, 42, 43, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 61, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72, 72, 79, 80, 81, 83, 83, 87, 89, 90, 91, 91, 94, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 116, 121, 121, 122, 129, and 129, as amended, and Attachment A, as amended, and adding new section to Ordinance 19546.



                     SECTION 1.  Ordinance 19546, Section 7, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Council administration                     ($394,062)

                     SECTION 2.  Ordinance 19546, Section 8, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     HEARING EXAMINER - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Hearing examiner                     ($12,702)

                     SECTION 3.  Ordinance 19546, Section 9, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     COUNTY AUDITOR - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     County auditor                     ($58,966)

                     SECTION 4.  Ordinance 19546, Section 10, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OMBUDS/TAX ADVISOR - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Ombuds/tax advisor                     ($42,021)

                     SECTION 5.  Ordinance 19546, Section 11, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     KING COUNTY CIVIC TELEVISION - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     King County civic television                     ($17,436)

                     SECTION 6.  Ordinance 19546, Section 12, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     BOARD OF APPEALS - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Board of appeals                     ($17,545)

                     SECTION 7.  Ordinance 19546, Section 13, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OFFICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERSIGHT - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Office of law enforcement oversight                     ($47,268)

                     SECTION 8.  Ordinance 19546, Section 17, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OFFICE OF PERFORMANCE, STRATEGY AND BUDGET - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Office of performance, strategy and budget                     ($400,000)

                     SECTION 9.   The council directs that section 8 of this ordinance takes effect before section 10 of this ordinance.

                     SECTION 10.  Ordinance 19546, Section 17, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OFFICE OF PERFORMANCE, STRATEGY AND BUDGET - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:

                     Office of performance, strategy and budget                     $230,000

The maximum number of additional FTEs for office of performance, strategy

and budget shall be:                     (2.0)

                     ER1 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $25,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to analyze the existing septic system capacity for Black Diamond Fire Station 98.

                     ((ER2 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $200,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely for the executive to participate in a community-led Chinatown-International District community safety work group.))

                     ER3 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $150,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to undertake a study, in consultation with council district nine, relating to moving freight by rail through Stampede pass in order to increase economic activity in King County.

                     ER4 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $50,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely for developing an annual report on King County diversion programs as described in Proviso P3 of this section.

                     ER5 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $1,000,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support SIFF.

                     ER6 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $50,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the Sankofa Theater.

                     ER7 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $1,000,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the Lake Washington Institute of Technology's Early Learning Center.

                     ER8 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $300,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the KidsQuest Children's Museum.

                     ((P1 PROVIDED THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $200,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a Chinatown-International District ("CID") community safety work group report and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report, and a motion acknowledging receipt of the report is passed by the council.  The motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.

                     The report shall include, but not be limited to:

                     A.  A description of the community-led CID community safety work group, including a list of county staff participants in the work group;

                     B.  A summary of any recommendations of the work group; and

                     C.  A description of activities or actions taken by county agencies to enhance the safety, security or overall economic recovery of the CID and any proposed actions that would require additional county investments in order to inform future investments.

                     The executive shall file electronically file the report and motion required by this proviso by December 31, 2023 with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the committee of the whole or its successor.))

                     P2 PROVIDED FURTHER THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $800,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits quarterly reports describing the status of programs or activities supported by American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund ("CLFR") moneys.

                     The report shall include, but not be limited to, a list of all programs or activities supported by CLFR moneys in the form of an electronic spreadsheet that shall include, but not be limited to, the following:  (1) appropriation amount; (2) amount spent to-date; (3) estimated amount to be spent by the end of the biennium; and (4) for any program or activities that has an estimated amount to be spent by the end of the biennium different than the appropriation amount, a description explaining the difference.

                     Moneys shall be unencumbered in $100,000 increments upon receipt of each quarterly report filed by the executive to the clerk of the council.

                     The executive should electronically file the first quarterly report required by this proviso no later than April 1, 2023, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee or its successor.

                     The executive should electronically file the next six quarterly reports required by this proviso by the first working day after the end of each quarter, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee or its successor.

                     The executive should electronically file the final quarterly report required by this proviso by December 31, 2024, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee or its successor.

                     P3 PROVIDED FURTHER THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $50,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits an annual report on King County diversion programs, a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report, and the motion is passed by the council.  The motion shall reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance number, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.

                     A.  The reports shall cover the period from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.

                     B.  The reports shall include, but not be limited to the following programs:

                       1.  Community Diversion Program;

                       2.  Community Center for Alternatives Program Enhanced;

                       3.  Pretrial Assessment and Linkage Services;

                       4.  Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion;

                       5.  Therapeutic Alternative Diversion; and

                       6.  Restorative Community Pathways.

                     C.  The following information, at a minimum, shall be provided for each program included in the reports:

                       1.  The desired policy outcomes of the program;

                       2.  The eligibility criteria for the program;

                       3.  Annual county budget for the program;

                       4.  The number of annual participants;

                       5.  A listing of participants, with personal identifiers removed, by charge, if applicable, and referring agency;

                       6.  A definition of program completion;

                       7.  The percentage of participants completing the program; and

                       8.  A summary of program outcomes during the reporting period based on program-defined performance metrics.

                     D.  For the period from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, the executive shall continue to gather the information outlined in subsection C. of this proviso for the programs outlined in subsection B. of this proviso.

                     The executive should electronically file the report and motion required by this proviso no later than April 30, 2024, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee or its successor.

                     P4 PROVIDED FURTHER THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $200,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits two reports on progress toward addressing the legal system backlog that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic and a motion with each report that should acknowledge its receipt and both motions are passed by the council.  Each motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance number, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.  Both reports shall include information from the department of judicial administration, the prosecuting attorney’s office, the department of public defense, district court and superior court.

                     The first report shall cover the period from October 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023, and report on the following:

                     A.  A list of positions supported by Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery ("CLFR") revenues, identified by job type and the number of vacant positions, for the department of judicial administration, the prosecuting attorney's office, the department of public defense, superior court and district court;

                     B.  The amount of 2023-2024 biennial CLFR appropriation for district court, the department of judicial administration, the prosecuting attorney’s office, the department of public defense, superior court and district court that has been expended as of March 31, 2023, as well as the total CLFR appropriations and expenditures to date;

                     C.  The anticipated date by which the backlog of cases will be addressed assuming various funding scenarios for 2024;

                     D.  The identification and discussion of barriers or system challenges to addressing the backlog;

                     E.  A plan, developed in consultation with the department of judicial administration, superior court, the prosecuting attorney's office and the department of public defense for how to address the felony criminal backlog in cases given the appropriation amount provided in this ordinance;

                     F.  Funding options to address the backlog in felony criminal cases;

                     G.  For superior court cases, the report should also include the following data for the reporting period, by quarter, with prepandemic data from 2019 as comparison:

                       1.  The pending caseload for all criminal cases;

                       2.  The pending caseload for the most serious felonies, defined as homicides, sex crimes, robbery in the first degree and assault in the first degree and in the second degree;

                       3.  The number of total resolutions for all criminal cases by jury trial, by nonjury trial, resolved by plea and dismissed;

                       4.  A summary of resolutions for the most serious felony cases, by jury trial, by non-jury trial, resolved by plea and dismissed; and

                       5.  The number of filings and total pending cases for unlawful detainer cases; and

                     H.  For district court cases, the report should also include the status of backlog cases, including the number of unfiled criminal cases.

                     The executive should electronically file the first report and motion required by this proviso no later than May 15, 2023, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee or its successor.

                     The second report shall cover the period from April 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, and include, but not be limited to, the following information from the district court, the department of judicial administration, the prosecuting attorney’s office, the department of public defense and superior court:

                     A.  A list of positions supported by CLFR revenues for the department of judicial administration, the prosecuting attorney's office, the department of public defense and superior court district court, identified by job type and the number of vacant positions;

                     B.  The amount of 2023-2024 biennial CLFR appropriation for district court, the department of judicial administration, the prosecuting attorney's office, the department of public defense and superior court district court has been expended as of June 30, 2024, as well as  the total CLFR appropriations and expenditures to date;

                     C.  The anticipated date by which the backlog of cases will be addressed assuming various funding scenarios for 2025-2026;

                     D.  Identification and discussion of barriers or system challenges to addressing the backlog;

                     E.  For superior court cases, the report should also report the following data for the reporting period, by quarter, with prepandemic data from 2019 as comparison:

                       1.  The pending caseload for all criminal cases;

                       2.  The pending caseload for the most serious felonies, defined as homicides, sex crimes, robbery in the first degree and assault in the first degree and in the second degree;

                       3.  Total resolutions for all criminal cases by jury trial, by nonjury trial, resolved by plea and dismissed;

                       4.  Resolutions for the most serious felony cases, by jury trial, by nonjury trial, resolved by plea and dismissed; and

                       5.  Filings and total pending cases for unlawful detainer cases; and

                     F.  For district court cases, the report should also include the status of backlog cases, including the number of pending unfiled criminal cases.

                     The executive should electronically file the second report and motion required by this proviso no later than September 16, 2024, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee or its successor.

                     P5 PROVIDED FURTHER THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $75,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a report on the department of public defense's assigned counsel hourly rates and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report and a motion acknowledging receipt of the report is passed by the council. The motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance number, ordinance section, and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.

                     The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

                     A.  A market analysis of each of the assigned counsel hourly rates for 2023 and 2024 comparing the hourly rates paid by the department of public defense with the hourly rates paid by the state and other jurisdictions in Washington;

                     B.  An analysis of whether the current rates paid to assigned counsel impact the ability of the department to attract qualified assigned counsel; and

                     C.  Recommendations on whether any hourly rate for outside counsel should be increased.

                     The executive should electronically file the report and motion required by this proviso no later than July 31, 2023, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee or its successor.

                     P6 PROVIDED FURTHER THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits an e-bike rebate, e-bike lending library, and e-bike ownership grant pilot program plan and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the plan, and a motion acknowledging the receipt of the plan is passed by the council.  The motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance number, ordinance section, and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.  The plan shall be developed by the office of performance, strategy and budget in consultation with:  community-based organizations, including those representing underserved King County residents; e-bike retailers in King County; Washington state Department of Transportation Active Transportation Division; and any other relevant partners or stakeholders.  The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

                     A.  A summary and assessment of the e-bike rebate program in the city of Denver, as well as of any other relevant e-bike rebate programs in other municipalities or states, including any lessons learned;

                     B.  A proposal to implement an e-bike rebate pilot program in King County based on income eligibility;

                     C.  An assessment and plan for administering an e-bike lending library or e-bike ownership program consistent with requirements of the program established by Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1125, Section 310(16).

                     D.  An analysis of the level of staffing, if any, and funding needed to implement the pilot program;

                     E.  An analysis of possible funding sources that could be used to implement the pilot program, including, but not limited to, funding from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act;

                     F.  A description of desired outcomes and measures for the pilot program, including but not limited to the impact on those communities traditionally underserved with regard to access to transit, as well as other county services; and

                     G.  An analysis of any issues that could adversely impact the expansion of the pilot to a fully developed program and potential strategies to address those issues.

The executive should electronically file the plan and motion required by this proviso no later than September 1, 2023, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, and the lead staff for the transportation, economy and environment committee or its successor.

                     P7 PROVIDED FURTHER THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a report on planning for closure of the King County correctional facility ("KCCF") and provision of adequate, long-term secure adult detention capacity for King County after closure of the KCFF and a motion to approve the report, and a motion approving a report is passed by the council.  The motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance number, ordinance section, and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.

                     The report should include, but not be limited to, the following:

                     A.  Identification of the principles that would guide planning and community engagement for a project to close the KCCF and ensure adequate, long term secure adult detention capacity;

                     B.  A description of the planning process for a project to close of the KCCF and ensure adequate, long term secure adult detention capacity, including stakeholder engagement and whether the executive will engage a consultant or consultants to guide the project and, if so, how the consultant or consultants will be selected;

                     C.  The objectives of the project, which should include closure of the KCCF and providing for adequate and appropriate adult secured detention capacity for King County after closure of the KCCF, in a manner consistent with King County's criminal justice policies; and

                     D.  A proposed timeline, scope of work and budget for the project, and description of how this project will be coordinated with any related planning efforts and projects, including the downtown civic campus master planning efforts, and the executive's proposal to cease use of the Children and Family Justice Center for youth detention purposes.

                     The executive should electronically file the report and motion required by this proviso no later than December 31, 2023, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee or its successor.

                     P8 PROVIDED FURTHER THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $200,000 may not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a plan identifying revenue to replace approximately $7,000,000 of American Rescue Plan Act, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds ("ARPA/CLFR") that will expire December 31, 2024, that is currently supporting King County gun violence intervention and prevention programming and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the plan and a motion acknowledging receipt of the plan is passed by council.  The motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance number, ordinance section, and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.

                     The executive's plan shall include, but not be limited to:  an outline of gun violence prevention programming supported by ARPA/CLFR moneys in the 2023-2024 biennial budget; an outline of programming that may be terminated at the end of 2024 if new revenue is not identified; a list of all existing local, state, and federal revenue eligible to support gun violence prevention programming, including grants; and an outline of potential revenue sources available to King County including unutilized levies or taxing authority.

                     The executive should electronically file the plan and motion required by this proviso by August 30, 2024, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, and the lead staff for the budget and financial management committee or its successor.

                     SECTION 11.  Ordinance 19546, Section 18, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OFFICE OF EQUITY AND RACIAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Office of equity and racial and social justice                     ($511,000)

                     SECTION 12.  The council directs that section 11 of this ordinance take effect before section 13 of this ordinance:

                     SECTION 13.  Ordinance 19546, Section 18, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OFFICE OF EQUITY AND RACIAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:

                     Office of equity and racial and social justice                     $1,191,000

The maximum number of additional FTEs for office of equity and racial and social justice shall be:                     (1.0)

                     ((ER1 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $511,000 and four FTEs shall be expended or encumbered solely for activities related to the civil rights program, which shall include:

                     F.  Enforcing nondiscrimination ordinances as codified in K.C.C. chapters 12.17, 12.18, 12.20 and 12.22;

                     B.  Assisting departments in complying with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 and other legislation and rules regarding access to county programs, facilities and services for people with disabilities;

                     C.  Serving as the county Americans with Disabilities Act Title II coordinator relating to public access;

                     D.  Providing staff support to the county civil rights commission;

                     E.  Serving as the county federal Civil Rights Act Title VI coordinator; and

                      F.  Coordinating county responses to federal Civil Rights Act Title VI issues and investigating complaints filed under Title VI.))

                     SECTION 14.  Ordinance 19546, Section 19, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OFFICE OF CLIMATE - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:

                     Office of climate                     $2,144,000

The maximum number of additional FTEs for office of climate shall be:                     3.0                     

                     SECTION 15.  Ordinance 19546, Section 21, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     SHERIFF - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:

                     Sheriff                     $7,254,000

The maximum number of additional FTEs for sheriff shall be:                     (12.0)

                     ER1 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $300,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support a crisis response program manager FTE position within the department of public safety.

                     ER2 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support a voluntary safe firearm and ammunition return program in 2023.

                     ER3 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $25,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the city of Maple Valley with moneys for coordination of traffic control with other jurisdictions in the unincorporated areas around Lake Wilderness park for the national IRONMAN triathlon to take place on September 17, 2023.

                     ER4 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the webpage for the sheriff's office includes a prominent, public-facing section dedicated to voluntary firearm surrender and/or return information including all options available to the public to relinquish unwanted firearms and ammunition to the sheriff’s office.  The webpage section should be active and publicly accessible by July 1, 2024.

                     ER5 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $124,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support at least two voluntary safe firearm and ammunition return events during 2024, contingent on adoption of a veterans, seniors, and human services levy implementation plan for 2024-2029 that includes funding in 2024 for a voluntary safe firearm and ammunition return program to be either facilitated or administered by the sheriff's office.

                     ER6 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $126,000 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support at least two voluntary safe firearm and ammunition return events in 2024.

                     P1 PROVIDED THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $700,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a crisis response program report and a motion that should acknowledge receipt of the report, and a motion acknowledging receipt of the report is passed by the council.  The motion should reference the subject matter, the proviso's ordinance number, ordinance section and proviso number in both the title and body of the motion.

                     The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

                     A.  A description of the executive's community engagement efforts in each department of public safety precinct, including a list of local governments, community organizations, nonprofits, neighborhood groups, renter associations, homeowner associations, schools and businesses consulted in the development of the crisis response program;

                     B.  A summary of each department of public safety's precinct's preferred crisis response program model, including general program structure and process for deploying crisis response professionals;

                     C.  A description of the policy or policies the department of public safety intends to implement to guide the deployment of crisis response professionals in each department of public safety precinct;

                     D.  A description of the department of public safety's procedures for ensuring interjurisdictional and interagency cooperation; and

                     E.  A timeline for the crisis response program implementation in each department of public safety precinct.

                     The executive should electronically file the report and motion required by this proviso no later than December 31, 2023, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee or its successor.

                     SECTION 16.  Ordinance 19546, Section 26, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Human resources management                     ($852,000)

The maximum number of additional FTEs for human resources management shall

be:                                          (4.0)

                     SECTION 17.  The council directs that section 16 of this ordinance takes effect before section 18 of this ordinance.

                     SECTION 18.                      Ordinance 19546, Section 26, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:

Human resources management                     $0

                     The maximum number of additional FTEs for human resources management shall be:                                          (3.0)

                     ((ER1 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $852,000 and four FTEs shall be expended or encumbered solely for activities related to the civil rights program which shall include:

                     A.  Enforcing nondiscrimination ordinances as codified in K.C.C. chapters 12.17, 12.18, 12.20 and 12.22;

                     B.  Assisting departments in complying with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 and other legislation and rules regarding access to county programs, facilities and services for people with disabilities;

                     C.  Serving as the county Americans with Disabilities Act Title II coordinator relating to public access;

                     D.  Serving as the county federal Civil Rights Act Title VI coordinator; and

                     E.  Coordinating county responses to federal Civil Rights Act Title VI issues and investigating complaints filed under Title VI.

                     Moneys restricted by this expenditure restriction shall not be expended or encumbered until after September 30, 2023.

                     Moneys restricted by this expenditure restriction shall not be expended or encumbered if the council adopts an ordinance related to the activities and organizational placement of the civil rights program before September 30, 2023.))

                     SECTION 19.  Ordinance 19546, Section 27, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     OFFICE OF LABOR RELATIONS - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Office of labor relations                     ($205,000)

The maximum number of additional FTEs for office of labor relations shall be:                     (1.0)

                     SECTION 20.  Ordinance 19546, Section 29, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     REAL ESTATE SERVICES - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Real estate services                     ($305,000)

                     SECTION 21.  Ordinance 19546, Section 30, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     RECORDS AND LICENSING SERVICES - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Records and licensing services                     ($466,000)

The maximum number of additional FTEs for records and licensing services

shall be:                     (4.0)

                     P1 PROVIDED THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits a for-hire transportation industry contracting practices report on the alignment of driver training, vehicle inspection, and driver and vehicle insurance requirements with K.C.C. chapter 6.64 and Ordinance XXXXX (Proposed Ordinance 2023-0231).

                     The director of the records and licensing division shall work with other county agencies in the development of the report, including, but not limited to, the Metro transit department.  The report shall include, but not be limited to:

                     A.  A list of known or anticipated contracts that county agencies hold or have held in the past twelve months with taxicab associations and for-hire vehicle companies for the provision of for-hire transportation services;

                     B.  As to each contract listed, a description whether the contract's requirements regarding driver training, vehicle inspection, and driver and vehicle insurance, comport with the requirements in K.C.C. chapter 6.64 and Ordinance XXXXX (Proposed Ordinance 2023-0231) or impose more or greater requirements and if so identification of the additional or greater requirements; and

                     C.  A for-hire industry contract template for county and municipal agencies to utilize in order to align the driver training, vehicle inspection, and driver and vehicle insurance requirements with those in K.C.C. chapter 6.64 and Ordinance XXXXX (Proposed Ordinance 2023-0231).

                     The template required in subsection C. of this proviso shall be posted on the records and licensing division website.

                     The executive should electronically file the report required by this proviso no later than June 1, 2024, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, and the lead staff for the government accountability and oversight committee or its successor.

                     SECTION 22.  Ordinance 19546, Section 31, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     Prosecuting attorney                     ($193,000)

                     SECTION 23.  The council directs that section 22 of this ordinance take effect before section 24 of this ordinance.

                     SECTION 24.  Ordinance 19546, Section 31, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:

                     Prosecuting attorney                     $75,000

The maximum number of additional FTEs for prosecuting attorney shall be:                     (4.0)

                     ER1 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $300,000 of criminal justice expense reserve moneys shall be expended or encumbered solely to fund legal assistance to those seeking civil protection orders through the Project Safety program.

                     ER2 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $375,000 of criminal justice expense reserve moneys shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the protection order advocacy program in developing training and resource materials for community-based organizations and advocates, pro bono attorneys and other involved parties on chapter 7.105 RCW changes to civil protection orders.  In addition to developing training materials, the moneys may support the protection order advocacy program in assisting with resource navigation, as needed.  This appropriation may be expended to support a temporary term limited trainer position or positions.

                     ER3 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $2,100,710 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the community diversion program, including 4 FTEs, a restitution fund and other nonlabor costs.                      

                     ER4 EXPENDITURE RESTRICTION:

                     Of this appropriation, $1,492,950 shall be expended or encumbered solely to support the LEAD and familiar faces programs.

                     P1 PROVIDED THAT:

                     Of this appropriation, $75,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive certifies by letter that the prosecuting attorney's office collaborated and provided information necessary for the executive to develop the report on the county's records collection and retention policies, procedures, and practices required in Ordinance 19546, Section 121, Proviso P1, as amended by section 85 of this ordinance (Proposed Ordinance 2023-0355).  The executive should file the certification letter with the clerk of the council who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, and the lead staff for the government accountability and oversight committee or its successor.

                     SECTION 25.  Ordinance 19546, Section 32, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     SUPERIOR COURT - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:

                     Superior court                     $1,110,000

The maximum number of additional FTEs for superior court shall be:                     (4.0)

                     SECTION 26.  Ordinance 19546, Section 33, as amended, is hereby amended as follows:

                     DISTRICT COURT - From the general fund there is hereby disappropriated from:

                     District court                     ($571,000)

The maximum number of additional FTEs for district court shall be:                     (3.0)

                     SECTION 27.  Ordinance 19546, Section 34, as amended, is hereby amended as follows: