AN ORDINANCE relating to no shooting areas; establishing a second no shooting area within the Crow voting precinct; and amending Ordinance 15510, Section 2, and K.C.C. 12.68.963
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. Under K.C.C. 12.68.010, elector-residents may petition the county requesting the creation of a no shooting area. A petition, which is Attachment A to this ordinance, was submitted to the council on September 8, 2022, to designate a second no shooting area in the Crow voting precinct.
B. In accordance with K.C.C. 12.68.010.B., the elections department verified that a sufficient number of elector-residents signed the petition. The certificate of sufficiency is Attachment B to this ordinance.
C. In 2006 the council designated a no shooting area in the Crow voting precinct through Ordinance 15510. The area proposed for designation would be a separate no shooting area in the Crow precinct to the east of the existing no shooting area established by K.C.C. 12.68.963.A.1.
D. The area proposed for designation as a no shooting area is in close proximity to both Walter A. Jellum Recreation Area, also known as "Jellum Park", and a local equestrian facility that often hosts lessons and clinics for children. Jellum Park is frequented by hikers, dogwalkers, horseback riders, and people on off-road vehicles.
E. The area used for shooting is not marked or sectioned off. Shooting occurs there at random times throughout the day and sometimes takes place less than five hundred feet from the equestrian buildings. The random shooting could potentially cause the horses to panic and bolt, which could cause injuries for the rider.
F. Trail riding and hiking in this area is dangerous as the shooters do not shoot into an earthen berm and do not refrain from shooting in the presence of people and horses.
G. Thirty-two individuals signed on to the petition with ten signatures determined by the department of election...
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