A MOTION requesting the King County executive, in collaboration with the King County sheriff's office and contract cities, to develop safe and effective guidelines for police vehicular pursuits to be included in the King County 2023 state legislative agenda and to provide a report.
WHEREAS, King County has long had a responsible policy on vehicular pursuits, and
WHEREAS, the King County pursuit policy has been well crafted and includes a significant investment in training and supervision in order to balance the need to apprehend suspects of criminal activity and the need for public safety, and
WHEREAS, in 2021, the Washington state Legislature adopted legislation regarding allowable police tactics, which barred high-speed vehicular pursuits except in limited circumstances, and
WHEREAS, in 2022, the Washington state Legislature considered, but ultimately did not pass, bipartisan legislation intended to revise the newly adopted restrictions on police vehicular pursuits, and
WHEREAS, state and local police officers have reported significant increases in vehicles failing to yield for police, which officials say is attributable to the statewide restrictions on police vehicular pursuits, and
WHEREAS, drivers fleeing from police or otherwise failing to yield to a lawful command endangers the health and safety of other drivers on the road, the police, innocent bystanders and the drivers themselves, and
WHEREAS, to protect public safety and reduce failure to yield instances, police officers need clear guidelines that allow for engagement in reasonable vehicular pursuits;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
A. The council requests the King County executive, in collaboration with the King County sheriff's office and local contract cities, develop safe and effective guidelines for police vehicular pursuits that are to be included in the King County 2023 state legislative agenda and to provide a report.
B. The report should inclu...
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