Clerk 06/26/2008
AN ORDINANCE proposing an amendment to Section 410 of the King County Charter and Section 420 of the King County Charter, to impose deadlines that are twenty days earlier than existing deadlines for county agencies to submit budget information to the county executive and for the county executive to present a proposed budget to the county council; and submitting the same to the voters of the county for their ratification or rejection at the November 2008 general election.
SECTION 1. There shall be submitted to the voters of King County for their approval and ratification or rejection, at the next general election to be held in this county occurring more than forty-five days after the enactment of this ordinance, an amendment to Sections 410 and 420 of the King County Charter as set forth herein:
Section 410. Presentation and Adoption of the Budget.
At least ((seventy-five days)) ninety-five days prior to the end of each fiscal year, the county executive shall present to the county Council a complete budget and budget message, proposed current expense and capital budget appropriation ordinances, and proposed tax and revenue ordinances necessary to raise sufficient revenues to balance the budget; and at least thirty days prior to the end of the fiscal year, the county Council shall adopt appropriation, tax and revenue ordinances for the next fiscal year.
Section 420. Budget Information
At least ((one hundred thirty-five days)) one hundred fifty-five days prior to the end of the fiscal year, all agencies of county government shall submit to the county executive information necessary to prepare the budget.
SECTION 3. The clerk of the council shall certify the proposition to the manager of the elections division, in substantially the following form, with such additions, deletions or modifications as may be required by the prosecuting attorney:
Shall Sections 410 and 420 of the King County Charter be amended to impose deadlines that are twenty days earlier than existing deadlines for county agencies to submit budget information to the county executive and
for the county executive to present a proposed budget to the county council?