A MOTION receiving the King County courthouse south entrance renovation report.
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15586 appropriated funds for an update to the design of the courthouse south entrance renovation project, and
WHEREAS, Motion 12335 called for a detailed analysis of funding capacity, security analysis and operational and access impacts associated with reopening the historic entrance to the King County courthouse.
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15915 appropriated funds for the first phase of study for the potential to sell King Street center and to further analyze redevelopment of the King county administration building, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15915 also called upon the executive to, among other things, transmit to the council a report regarding the evaluation of capital improvements to renovate and reopen the south entrance of the King County courthouse, and
WHEREAS, the executive's transmittal letter suggests that the ten percent share in the proceeds of sale of the Kingdome north lot which is planned to be transferred to 4Culture could, instead, be used to benefit the south entrance project. The council's adoption of this motion does not reflect any intent on the part of the council to transfer the funds for these purposes, and
WHEREAS, the executive has transmitted the report as requested and the council has reviewed the report;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The King County courthouse south entrance renovation report, Attachment A to this motion, is hereby received. This action does not, however, include any decision on or agreement with the recommendations contained within the report and supporting documents regarding project funding options. The council recognizes that further work is required to identify financial impacts of project options presented in the report. As the
project moves forward, future council and executive decisions will be necessary to fully consider project elements and fund...
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