Clerk 10/03/2007
AN ORDINANCE naming the Inpatient Expansion Building at 410 Ninth Avenue in the Harborview Medical Center campus the Norm Maleng Building, in honor of the late Norm Maleng, King County Prosecuting Attorney and revered community member.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. The Honorable Norm Maleng served as King County prosecuting attorney for 28 years, having first been elected in 1978, and then re-elected to seven additional terms. During that time he earned the respect and admiration of employees and elected officials in all levels of government, of representatives of the medical profession and members of the healthcare sector and of the wider community.
B. Norm Maleng was born in Acme, Washington, in Whatcom County. His early life on a small dairy farm, and his boyhood experiences in that community, instilled values in him concerning work, service to others and honesty that guided him throughout his life.
C. Norm Maleng was educated at the University of Washington, earning his baccalaureate in Economics. After service in the United States Army, he returned to the University of Washington and earned his law degree there, serving as Editor of the Law Review.
D. Throughout his life, Norm Maleng worked tirelessly to improve the justice system and to emphasize the importance of prevention and therapeutic options for youth, for individuals affected by substance abuse, and for persons suffering from mental illness. He strove to protect victims of domestic violence and to improve both public health and public safety, through innovative programs in the prosecuting attorney's office and through cooperative efforts with a wide range of individuals and institutions in the public sector.
E. Following the death of Norm and Judy Maleng's daughter, Karen Maleng, in 1989 at Harborview Medical Center, the Malengs served as ambassadors in the community, speaking on behalf of the work done in the Harborview Medical Center Trauma Center to save lives after devastating injuries, and to help families heal following the sudden death of loved ones. In this work, Norm Maleng, a devoted family man, drew upon the personal experience of losing his daughter, as he helped others who have suffered tragic loss.
F. Norm Maleng passed away on May 24, 2007, at Harborview Medical Center.
G. Norm Maleng was admired in his professional career for his passion for justice, extraordinary intellect, leadership capabilities and comprehensive knowledge of legal matters and public affairs. He will be remembered for these qualities by all who worked with him in his capacity as prosecuting attorney. He will also be remembered on a more personal level for his humanitarian commitment to the underserved, his empathy for those suffering tragic loss, and for his efforts to help those needing protection and aid.
H. In appreciation of Norm Maleng's work, compassion, and commitment to the citizens of King County and to the mission of Harborview Medical Center, the Harborview Board of Trustees unanimously passed a Resolution at their July, 2007 meeting, encouraging the King County executive and King County council to memorialize Norm Maleng through legislation naming the new Inpatient Expansion Building located at 410 Ninth Avenue in the Harborview Medical Center campus as the Norm Maleng Building.
I. The Inpatient Expansion Building will provide greatly needed additional capacity to meet growing regional needs for emergency and inpatient care. It houses eight operating rooms and additional inpatient beds, along with acute care, rehabilitation and clinic facilities. The building includes an expansion of the Emergency Department. It has been built to the latest FEMA standards in order to ensure that it will remain operational following an earthquake.
J. The council previously honored Norm Maleng by passing Ordinance 15877 on July 30, 2007. That ordinance renamed the Regional Justice Center in Kent as the Norm Maleng Regional Justice Center, an act which reflects the significant contributions he made to the cause of justice and to reform of the criminal justice system in King County and in Washington state. The council concurs with the Harborview Medical Center Board of Trustees in its appreciation of Norm Maleng's commitment to the work and mission of the Harborview Medical Center and wishes to recognize this additional aspect of Norm Maleng's extraordinary public service through another lasting and visible memorial.
SECTION 2. We do hereby honor and memorialize King County Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng by naming the Inpatient Expansion Building at 410 Ninth Avenue in the Harborview Medical Center campus as the Norm Maleng Building.